Monday, December 15, 2008
The Power Of God and Prayer
For those who have not ever understood God's incredible provision and the power of prayer, let me give some background.
Several weeks ago we received a pretty desperate prayer request from one of our church members who serves in undercover operations in Afghanistan, among other places. He was asking for prayer for an Afghan who had been covertly working for the US (providing the coordinate locations and such for those pointed missle strikes that occured not long ago) ~This gentleman had completed his work, and was in process of trying to secure passage for himself and his family to the US to become American citizens and leave Afghanistan behind. One morning he was brutally kidnapped by the Taliban in front of his wife and children. They were told that he would be hanged in front of them that evening (as if the kidnapping were not brutal enough).We began praying in earnest that God would cover the Taliban's eyes and ears from uncovering the facts linking this man as an informant.
We prayed He would protect and cover this young man and his family. During the following weeks, we heard of several brutal killings of other members of the resistance who were helping the allies. The US forces could not locate this gentleman, which was good news in some ways, even though it was still tenuous. We did not give up hope within our home and continued to pray, sensing God was still at work in this case...
Here is the email note I just recieved from our church member ~
We recovered XXX, alive! I must admit I had begun to lose hope, the situation was looking very grim, and our attempts to locate and free him had all failed. Until this morning! We have secured his release, and he is now safe with our personnel and his family, back in Afghanistan. He underwent medical evaluation this morning and is in relatively good shape considering the circumstances.
I thank my church family for their prayers during this very trying time. I look forward to telling XXX how my church, as well as other churches here in the USA, prayed for him during this time. I will tell him this personally Sunday when I arrive in Afghanistan. Please remember me in prayers as I leave tonight for Afghanistan, and if all goes well I will return later in the week. Thanks to everyone who lifted my friend up, I really appreciate it! God Bless!
God is soo good, Amen? We should never doubt His faithfulness and provision for those who love Him! Next time you are facing a challenge, remember that He controls all and is in all; we just need to trust that and believe in His goodness...I think that none of my challenges compares to what this gentleman and his family had been going through, so I really have nothing to complain about. :-)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A word I got while praying this past week ~
Arise my soldiers, for there are battles to be won. Step up, stand firm, be bold; this is Our time to shine. Bring forth My truth with My sword. Fear not, for My presence is with you. My time is at hand. I will be soon coming. Are you ready for Me?
Prepare! Arise! Go forth! I ask that you be ready to serve wherever I choose to send you. Many will face enemy camps; do you trust Me? I AM the victor. I will walk beside you. Time is short. Are you Mine to lead?
Do you believe? Trust Me that I may use you fully as I work out My plans. Yes, I have plans to use you for great things. Arise and go forth like the sons and daughters you are. Take My mantle upon you. You are My church; a royal priesthood. Walk in the fullness of My truth and glory. Trust in Me. Be bold, unencumbered by the world in which you live. Arise. I have prepared you for this time. Stand, in Me alone. Be steadfast; stand firm and do not falter. I will preserve you to Me. Arise my anointed. Arise.
Usually when I recieve a word, I pass it to whom it was given for, or I give it to myself to ponder and pray about. However, this one struck me as such a powerful conviction. Are we all unbelievers? I think to some extent we are, but I could be wrong in my impressions of others. I know that I am an unbeliever in many forms. If my heart were fully convicted in belief, I surely would not react to things from a fleshly defense when I am provoked as I would KNOW whose I was, and would not be affected (as a child, I know I was not affected by others when my folks were near; I believed who I was in their eyes)...when I am concerned about something, I go to God but do I fully believe He listens, cares, and desires to answer me? Most of the time yes, but not always. Do I believe He died for me? Yes! Most assuredly. Do I believe He came to set me free? Yes, most assuredly. Do I walk in that truth and trust in His grace and mercy? Not always...
Do I seek His desire for me each day that I might spend the day doing His work and not my own? Not as I believe I could...does that reflect unbelief? I do think it does - if I really were convinced of His authority, power, majesty, holiness, and desire - I mean convinced down to the tips of my toes that this truth never leave the very cells in my body - I would most likely walk differently...more like Paul, perhaps?
I want to BELIEVE with every fiber of my being ~ and now is the perfect time to re-start; during this advent season where we celebrate the Incarnation of Christ on Earth Immanuel ~ God with you believe??
Thanksgiving Adventures; Part 3
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hollywood gets involved in Proposition 8
This video on Prop 8 really was well done, even though it is incredibly mocking of God and Christians, as well as inaccurate biblically, it managed to be totally focused on the truths of our current society (money rules, what we want is what is right in the name of "love")...If the people who wrote it could only see it through the eyes of those who understand God's great love of us and great hatred of all that is unholy...It reminds me where I need to step up my prayers for our country.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanksgiving Adventures: part 2 of 3
Thanksgiving Day was begun with a service at my dad's church. I have to tell you that this service so uplifted my soul and brought worship and joy to my heart that day. It was a fabulous way to start a day of Thanks-giving. All 21 of us attended, which was a delight. The start of the service involved a showing and reading of President Lincoln's message declaring Thanksgiving a holiday. Then video footage was shown of some of the missionaries from the church finally finding water in a well they were helping dig (80 feet, by hand) in Haiti the week prior (Haitian Pastors were worshipping continually in the background as the workers were digging, bucketful by bucketful down the deep, dark, hole). From there we went to scripture and praise songs, with traditional National songs of God's providence being sung as well ("America" as one). I literally experienced God's spirit descend as we began singing praise to Him for all we have in America ~ it brought tears to my eyes (not unusual) while worshiping. It was incredibly lovely and a joy to participate in petitioning God for our nation.
The pastor then gave a message about what it means to give thanks, and what we as Americans should be so grateful for related to how God has provided for us and given us a country of such incredible freedoms. The message ended with a Ray VanderLaan video of students in the dark below-ground caves learning about how the Bible was preserved for us, and an incredible prayer from a gal who had literally watched her family murdered for thier beliefs and had fled her own murder to live in hiding until she came to the U.S...
We are so incredibly blessed in America. And, as this pastor reminded us, exhorted to show how God has blessed us, to reach out and help others not only in our own country, but in many other places in the world, where persecution is rampant and belief in the gospel is likened to a death warrant...
Thank you, Lord, for our blessed American freedom and prosperity like no other. May we stop to reflect upon our founding fathers and the tenets upon which our country was raised. May we turn back to the values of our forefathers, and remember all that You have done for us. To him whom much has been given, much is expected. May we rise up and submit ourselves to You to be used for Your glory ~ Thank You for free churches, denominational freedoms, and our ability to worship without persecution ~ You are truly an AWESOME God.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Adventures: part 1 of 3
Our trip started with quite an adventure. I had been anxious about getting us to the airport on time because my ten year old had auditions for her upcoming play at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday (right after my 4 year old's Thanksgiving party at her school), and we had a flight scheduled out of National Airport at 4:40 p.m. (original time ~ 5 p.m. but it was changed to 4:40 the week prior).
We finally boarded around 6:45 or 7:00 (I can't remember), and my dad and stepmom were planning a "late" dinner with us upon arrival (two hour flight, one hour time difference) as my half-sisters were really eager to go eat at Applebees in Des Moines, Iowa. As we got settled, the stewardess announced that we would be taking on extra fuel and would be flying at 10,000 feet only since they did not have the pressure system working in the plane. It would mean some ear discomfort, some coolness, and longer flight (3 hours, 40 minutes) due to headwinds at that level. People were invited to deplane if they were not comfortable with this. We decided to stay on and roll with it. I think we took off close to 8:00 after we were cleared a runway.
Early in the flight, Bo started praying. He told me he smelled electrical burning. He also wondered why it was so hot when it was supposed to be cool. He had noticed that we had passed over an area close to our home not long before, and we wondered why we were going that direction. Shortly after, the stewardess came back out from the pilot and announced that things had gotten worse, and there were some things we needed to understand, but that she was going to let the pilot talk to us to explain it. Okay, that sounded ominous, especially given the strain on her face. I believed we might be crash landing on a belly of the plane or something and started praying with my husband more earnestly that God would give us all coverage and protection as well as illumine anything we needed to know in order to find him. He gave me assurance in my spirit and I sensed Him saying "I am not willing that any shall perish..." I felt much better, remembering that He was in charge.
The pilot got on the intercom and announced that because of mechanical failures, he was unable to keep his instruments lit for the flight and would be landing at Dulles Airport shortly (this is the airport we live closer to). We must have been circling, awaiting clearance to land. We got to the ground at 8:30 p.m. way out on the tarmack. There were no other planes near us, and fire trucks met us there. We got off and then loaded onto a shuttle that awaited us nearby (they didn't even join it with the plane). I am supposing the fear of fire was pretty strong because of all the extra fuel as well. The smell of burnt electrical stuff was pretty powerful as we deplaned. What a blessing we were safe! My kids were not so happy...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Catching Up
I also finished the Bible, finally, for the first time I have ever pursued this, I have read each and every word. What a tremedous blessing that was ~ I actually recieved more than I had anticipated (I had read most of it over the years, some things over and over, others just once in awhile, but never all of it within a 9 month time frame as this time). I was so tickled by the experience that I decided to try to do the same each year from here forward. I also would like to read the gospels every six months, at least. That is my current goal (in addition to my daily devotions and such). I sense God leading me to a deeper and deeper relationship with Him through His entire Word, not just my favorite books. My heart has responded enthusiastically; I pray that my diligence responds in kind. :-)
The books I completed: Beth Moore's "Daniel" study (I finished the five days I had not completed when I did the study last spring), I tremendously enjoyed this study, and would encourage any lady to pursue it if given the chance; Charles Stanley's "Landmines in the Path of the Believer;" Joyce Meyer's "Enjoying Where You are on the way To Where You are Going;" Derek Prince's "Lucifer Exposed;" and Francis Frangipane's "Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God." I totally enjoyed these books, and have submitted myself to finishing some others that I still have at my bedside 1/2 to 3/4 completed. My problem is that I tend to find other books that take my interest and read them quickly, thus short circuiting others I have begun. I have also read (in the interim) three novels by Francine Rivers (she has become a favorite "escape" author for me).
Some quotes I enjoyed from Francis Frangipane's book:
"The Spirit leads us into the presence of Jesus...Jesus taught us that we must be single-minded if we would become full mature sons of light...our 'outer tabernacle' is our soul life; if man is still ruled by circumstances instead of God, his 'outer tabernacle' is still standing...God is not seeking to perfect us but rather our relationship with Jesus. He is our way into the Holy Place...Jesus came to reconcile us to God in the here and now." Amen?
And from Derek Prince's Book "The real distinguishing line between the world and the true church is whether people are lovers of self or whether self has been crucified and they are living for something other than themselves."
I love the encouragement I get from my reading. I pray that you, too, are encouraged. May all have a blessed Thanksgiving and be able to spend time reflecting upon all that God has provided in your lives. Many blessings. :-)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Facebook | Amanda Roe's Photos - Old Pics With Family

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Good Intentions
Thursday, November 06, 2008
"Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread" (Proverbs 20:13).
Another morning was getting away from me. I knew I should have gotten up early when I heard the alarm clock, but the covers felt so good on this crisp, fall morning. Certainly God wouldn't mind if I prayed to Him while lying down under the blankets. As I began my prayers, I felt my body start to drift. Shaking off the sleep, I started once again but the sleepiness came back. An entire hour later, I was still in bed. I was late to start homeschooling my children and knew I would be playing "catch up" for the rest of the day without God's strength or guidance.
Peter, James, and John lost the same battle of sleep when Jesus asked them to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. Three times the Lord asked them to pray, and three times they fell asleep and heard His words, "What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:40b-41). Falling asleep when Jesus needed them most, the disciples certainly failed.
Do you have good intentions to have a quiet time with the Lord each morning? Good intentions are not enough! Satan loves to tempt us to listen to the desires of our flesh and miss our devotions. Without the Holy Spirit's empowering, we, too, will fail in our attempts to walk with the Lord, as well as in our efforts to homeschool. Don't be like the disciples or the foolish virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 who fell asleep waiting for the bridegroom. Stay alert and offer the prayers and worship to the Lord that is due Him. "Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man" (Proverbs 24:33-34).
Jesus, forgive me for being lazy in my efforts to come to You each day. I recognize the importance of Your sweet fellowship and recommit my life to You today. In Your name, Amen.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Today
Lest this get too woeful, I am not fearful that our Country is out of the hands of our ever present, ever loving and ever just and merciful God and Father. I voted this morning, and as I left the polls I was filled with a heavy spirit. I began to cry without provocation from thought or mental was purely spiritual. At that point in the day, I had an inkling about God's plan and purpose. I didn't want to believe that this was what He was showing me, but I had a "knowing" that was quite powerful; in recent days of prayer, I have been clearly shown His heart toward our choices as a Country ~ myself being a person who is included in having made choices that do not include His best and His will...
Have we fallen so far away from what is pure and lovely and right? Do we miss the assurance and comfort of absolutes at all? We are so selfish; desiring a knight in shining armour to give to us more and more wealth and privilege when we already have SO MUCH as a Country. As someone mentioned in our home fellowship group this evening - many, many people continue to try to enter the USA to become citizens or even illegal aliens; very few seek to leave because they can't have what they desire. We are a democracy with freedoms untold. Foreign visitors have even commented upon the differences between McCain and Obama; Obama with the smooth speaking and lofty promises being seen through more easily when coming in from the outside. Is McCain so much better than Obama? Not on several platforms, however, we had a choice to preserve the sanctity of family and life or perserve the desire to feed moral relativism, and we, as a Country, appear to have chosen the latter.
God is good and just, He will allow us to eventually reap consequences of our choices. I will stand in support of our elected President as I fully believe it is my duty in honor of God's call upon my life. Our Lord sets up kings and deposes them (Daniel) ~ He is in control, this I do know. Praise Him that He is sovereign! However, I may not enjoy what happens as we continue to evolve as a Nation.
May we as a Nation grow closer to our roots of knowing, believing, and trusting in our Lord and Savior instead of ourselves. May this change in government be a catalyst that drives us to our knees in search of a true Savior and real life instead of self-government and self-gratification. May our nation finally shift from our indulgences of "I am and there is none besides me" to "We are, by the Grace of God alone, and may we ever be..." May we come to reclaim our Founding Fathers' platform of God's sovereignty, seeking a government with character and integrity that trusts God to provide for our every need in liberty...
God, please Bless America. Show me how to stand in support, through kneeling in prayerful petition daily that Your will be done ~ first in me, but then rippling out person by person, state by state, Country by Country; on earth as it is in heaven. Praise You from whom all blessings flow ~ Amen.
What was given today in our Classical Conversations class, which uplifted me as I entered with my spiritually saddened heart:
Top Ten Predictions - No Matter Who Wins the Election
1) The Bible will still have all the answers
2) Prayer will still work
3) The Holy Spirit will still move
4) God will still inhabit the praises of His people (and we will still have reason to praise!)
5) There will still be God anointed preaching
6) There will still be singing of praises to God!!
7) God will still pour out His blessings upon His people
8) There will still be room on the Cross for you
9) Jesus will still love you
10) Jesus will still save the lost if they turn to Him
Saturday, November 1, 2008
What Am I Thankful For?
Tuesday morning during my very early devotionals (God work me early Tuesday for some intensive hours of prayer), I decided it was the perfect quiet time to reflect and journal.
I had written five pages in my journal before my children began trickling in the room for our morning bible time. I could have gone one for much longer...God is so amazing. We have been blessed beyond measure. To sit and think about all that God has given me was a powerful many things I don't consider gifts, that are truly gifts from Him, came to mind. My home and food and electricity and water are all blessed to me from Him. I could be poor in the US and unable to afford much of what I have; I could have been born into a country where these things do not exist (though perhaps I would actually experience richness more, then...). The beauty of His creation from tiny fieldmice who are out in droves currently, to the large elephants who can paint self-potraits....Our very breath and health belong to God our Creator. Ruach (from what I recall) is our life. Praise Him!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
God Is So Generous!
He blessed me personally last week when I was going to Michelle's field trip; we were running late (a bit of the story of my life these days...) to drop Rose off at preschool before getting on the road, and I noticed I had a yellow light on my dash (e.g. on reserve gasoline). I decided that I really couldn't get to the event, return to pick up Rose from a friend's house (who had graciously agreed to get her from school since we would not be back yet) and then get gasoline, so I pulled into a station adjacent to the preschool. As I reached for my purse, I realized I had left it at home mistake number two :-)...
Noticing the time growing even later (and the plan to be broken up into groups to tour this place, so needing to be timely upon arrival), I sent up a quick prayer to God asking Him to turn fumes into gasoline for me for the day. He so wonderfully provided; my dear Savior and King allowed us not only to arrive on time (amazingly, with two minutes to spare), but to pick Rose up afterward, drive home from there to get my purse, and then return out to a gas station without fail. The guage stayed on orange but did not sputter out. I was so thankful for His mercy.
He blessed me corporately at church this week. Our church has, as a whole, been fully blessed with the weather on Sundays. We have been meeting at our local fairgrounds, and Sunday school classes for Kindergarten through fifth grade have been flanking the building. We have not had a bad Sunday. Last week, it was quite cool, and my husband and his helper needed to move the kids from our class (4th/5th graders) to the sunny side of the building where the younger classes were located. However, it went well. This past weekend we had extremely cold weather on Friday (I was freezing indoors, even), and then cold and very wet/rainy all day on Saturday. Praying for Sunday's weather (and it was my turn to teach), I was incredibly grateful and blessed ~ not only did we not have it too cold, but it actually ended up getting up to 70 degrees later Sunday. It was a fabulous day for outside Sunday school. Next week is our last week outside before we move back to an indoor venue God has graciously provided once again. Is He cool or what?!
Finally, He blessed me in my community when I was driving to the grocery store around six p.m. Saturday evening. As I rounded a corner I was struck with the most AMAZING sight I have ever seen. I would have given anything to have had a camera in my van. The beauty of His creation was breathtaking at the least ~ it overhwelmed me. I would have pulled over if there were a shoulder and just basked in His glory. I was thanking and praising Him for hours beyond. The sky had stopped raining, but the gray clouds were still pretty full. The sun was setting, and it was as if it shot through a veil of light between the dark clouds and the dark ground (I was driving on a back windy road among many tall trees). The colors of autumn (which are beautiful here in Virginia by any measure), coupled with shimmering sparkle of the leaves glistening from the rain, added to by the contrast of light and dark between the tops of the trees and the bottoms (due to the angle of the light hitting them) was absolutely stunning.
I was loudly praising Him for His glorious work in my car as I continued on, lest a car behind me clobber me with how I had slowed down to soak it in.
Oh Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth! Thank You, most precious Father, for all the gifts You give. :-)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dutch Sheet's request for Prayer ~ RE: Election 2008
"Due to IRS rules, this letter is from me personally and is not from any of the ministries I am associated with. (Also because of IRS rules, I cannot send it to my ministry database and therefore need your help in getting it out.) Do with it as you see fit, but my desire is that you forward it to as many praying friends as possible."
October 20, 2008
Dear Praying Friend,
In 2000, I wrote the 2nd most important letter of my life—a call to prayer for the elections of that year. I’m now writing what may be my most important letter. I knew the importance of those elections in 2000 was beyond any in my life up to that point and that the spiritual warfare surrounding them would be unlike anything any of us had ever seen. That letter was read by millions of people and I believe millions of them responded by praying. I also believe the prayers turned the tide.
You may question whether President Bush was the right choice; obviously, he has made some blunders in his tenure as president. But two of his decisions alone left no doubt he was God’s choice: Roberts and Alito. These two Supreme Court Justices have proven critical in the process of breaking the hold of humanism, death and anti-God agendas that have ruled the Court for 50 years. I assure you that more devastation—the shedding of innocent blood, immorality, decay of the family and an erosion of our godly heritage—has flowed into our nation through that institution than any other door in America. Many times more. The poison allowed into America through their decisions is beyond any of our abilities to articulate. The reality in America is that you don’t need to control Congress or the White Hose to rule the nation. You only need 5 people – 5 out of 9 on the Supreme Court. And for decades those who disagree with just about everything you and I stand for have been in control!
In Bush’s two terms, the process of turning this around began with the appointments of Roberts and Alito. Now, we win some cases 5-4 and lose some 4-5. (We barely outlawed partial birth abortion. The vote of one judge saved thousands of babies from this horror.) We need one more conservative Justice for a consistent majority, then more to build a strong majority.
In Obama’s own words, "the next president will appoint at least one, perhaps two or more Supreme Court Justices." He’s right. Almost certainly two or more older, liberal Justices are waiting until after the elections to retire, in hopes of Obama winning and appointing more liberals to replace them. And he certainly would. He voted against the confirmation of Roberts and Alito. So did Biden. And Biden led the fight against Justice Thomas several years back, another of the 4 solid conservatives. Make no mistake about it, the two of them do have a litmus test for Supreme Court Justices, and a major part of that test is Roe vs. Wade. McCain and Palin, on the other hand, both have very strong pro-life positions. This alone makes the choice for President simple. To vote for the 2nd and 3rd most liberal senators (Obama and Biden), both of whom are firmly and blatantly proabortion, would be unconscionable.
Obama has actually said that if he wins, he would like his first action as president to be the signing of the Freedom of Choice Act, which would eliminate every other law against any aspect of abortion (partial birth abortion, parental notification, etc., etc.). And with a democratic majority in the House and Senate, pretty much any legislation he and Biden want to pass will be a slam-dunk. There are many other unrighteous positions they hold but this position alone makes the choice easy. If they win this election, it will set America back decades in the cause of life and the restoration we seek.
Just as many of you do, I too, want to see a first black President, but not Senator Obama. To allow that noble and godly desire, the economy or one’s position on the war to trump this issue of life and death for the innocent unborn is simply wrong. The scriptures teach that if we choose first to exalt righteousness and turn from evil, God promises to heal our land (see Proverbs 14:34; 2 Chronicles 7:14).
It is righteousness that exalts a nation, not wealth, prosperity or armies. If we will finish the process of removing the curses of death and anti-God laws off of America by electing a president that will continue to shift the Court, God will grace us with breakthrough in other areas such as the economy, the war against terrorism, etc. My faith is not in a person, and certainly not a political party, for the healing of America , but I know God’s word and His ways well enough to know that our decisions do move Him to action or inaction.
Now to the heart of my reason for writing this letter (I realize I am "preaching to the choir"—most of you who know or listen to me are conservative enough to vote for McCain and Palin.)
I have not written any appeals for prayer concerning this election because:
1) others have, and
2) I believe our movement has matured to the point that the prayer base of the Church is already praying.
But I now feel the need to raise my voice. I am appealing to you to pray for these elections the next two weeks like you’ve never prayed for any in the past. Faithfully. Passionately. Boldly. Ask God for His mercy and grace.
We deserve His judgment for removing His influence and authority from our government, schools, homes and businesses; for the killing of 50 million babies; for leading the world in the consumption and exporting of pornography; for passing laws to reject His; etc. But mercy triumphs over judgment and in His wrath He remembers mercy. In 2000 we actually lost the popular vote and won the election—talk about grace! Please pray for this grace to be released again.
But I am also asking you for something more than normal prayer. For those of you who understand spiritual warfare, I am asking you to also include this aspect of prayer. There is no doubt that we have entered a Daniel 10 moment in time: "Then he said to me, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, I have come in response to your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia’" (Daniel 10: 12-13 NAS). The spiritual warfare in this election is incredibly fierce, and just as it was in Daniel’s day, is all about the restoration of a nation. And also like Daniel, we must keep praying until we win the battle in the heavens.
In August of this year I predicted that September would mark a shift in momentum for these elections. This happened with the appointment of Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential nominee (who is a true Esther in our generation), but when the economy began its meltdown and the media ramped up their unprecedented attacks on Palin, that momentum wasn’t sustained. But we can see it turn again if we approach this battle as the spiritual warfare it truly is and bind the evil forces involved (see Matthew 16:18-19). The reality is that this election can be the breakthrough we need to fully shift the Court (and ultimately our nation) or it will be an immeasurable setback that could take many years to reverse—if ever.
Please understand what I am saying: if we engage in this battle and do what I am asking—in mass—we will win; if we do not, we will lose. I, for one, don’t intend to allow the latter. I am in Washington , D.C. now (October 20-22) with Lou Engle and a team of prayer leaders from around the nation to war for this election. Join us! Lose some sleep, miss some meals—pray! Pray like never before for these elections. And as you do, involve yourself not only in petitioning prayer but also in spiritual warfare. Use your God-given authority over the plans and strategies of satan’s kingdom. Bind all witchcraft that is working to control the outcome, including occultic powers that are suppressing truth. Release Christ’s Kingdom rule in every way the Holy Spirit leads you.
Don’t be deceived and don’t lose hope (if you have to, turn off the TV.) It is not too late to turn these elections. God is plenty powerful enough to do so. The real question is will we rise to the level of prayer and spiritual warfare necessary to release that power. And remember, we don’t need a majority of Christians who are willing and able to do this—only a praying remnant. We can do it!
Here are some practical suggestions to consider:
1) Fast (a meal a day; a day a week; a Daniel fast; 3 days; 10 days; TV; etc.) and spend the time praying.
2) Agree in prayer with someone everyday for God’s will to be done.
3) Form/participate in prayer groups regularly. Churches could pray everyday.
4) Take time in every gathering to pray. (Take 15 minutes in every service to pray for the elections. Turn an entire service to harp and bowl style intercession—worship and prayer combined.)
5) Join 2 or more on a conference call and pray for 15, 20, or 30 minutes.
6) Pray on the way to work (and on the way home).
7) Pray before you go to sleep.
8) Pray before church services.
9) Ask God to give you His strategy—He will!
In His grip,
Dutch Sheets
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Then in the evening, God gave us some glorious colors...
I now know what I was noticing; the fleeting beauty of life.
Russell died last night... Praise God for His ever loving kindness and mercy that the illness was not dragged on for long...may He wrap His arms around my girlfriend, her daughter, and her son as they mourn the loss of their husband and father. God bless and keep them ~ He is Love.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I am struggling right now with my desire to support my girlfriend. Her husband is dying ~ Cancer is the culprit. (ooh, God just gave me such beautiful sunlight streaming in through the window in front of me as I typed that...). I have walked side by side with friends as they have cared for dying parents and then gone to the graveside ~ that was hard but not such a challenge (relatively speaking, here). I have had the unfortunate privilege to comfort and care for friends who unexpectedly lost a child to tragedy...that was much more difficult, but somehow I had a comfort/understanding with how I could be of support and surround them with God's love. Today I continue to sit in abject helplessness as I watch one of my dearest friends continue to nurse her husband through his unexpected, rapid downhill progression. Though this is, in many respects, the epitome of God's grace and mercy (to not drag out the pain and illness), my heart rails against the unfairness of it all in human eyes. It breaks for my girlfriend, for her children, and for her husband as well.
Glory to God that this is a bitter-sweet time, as he has recently embraced the Lord wholeheartedly after years of riding the fence (in April he shifted, it was evident). My girlfriend is at peace in many ways, Praise the Lord for the peace that passes understanding, but she is also struggling with her grief and overwhelment. She longs to make things better for him, even as she understands and accepts that she cannot ~ to get back to the "normal" that once was between them. She seeks God desperately to not be crushed by the emerging dementia when, at times, he cannot communicate with nor recognize his loved ones...once a strong mountain of a man, now reduced to dependency, meekness, and discomfort ~ but oh, the love he is showing and recieving is worth far more than gold...
His oldest daughter, now 23, is one whom I loved and encouraged through high school and whom I continue to be quite close with; she often came to me for another sounding board when mom "didn't get it," (though she is very close with her mom I actually pray that my kids and I will have such a close relationship through their lives). She has allowed herself to be pulled away from the Lord over the past several years; once quite passionate about her beliefs, and convicted in God's Love, she has become eroded with our culture, and though still loving the Lord and trusts Him with her dad, is missing the intimacy of trusting Him with herself. Oh, how I wish I could give her the words to prompt her to turn back to be with let go of the lies of our world and embrace the truth of His heavenly realm. Her mom called her in Georgia last Wednesday and told her that unexpectedly her dad, barring a miracle, would not be around for Thanksgiving (they were expecting him to live through the holidays, at the very least, according to the prognosis given in August when he was diagnosed). She drove home the next day - took a leave of absence from work for 11 days, and dropped all of her college classes except the two she could take online. What do you say to a child who is still not fully reconciled with her needs from her father (either father...earthly or God)....She is avoiding dealing with her feelings and thoughts and "taking charge" as is her tendency...who can blame do we give comfort to a child who cannot recieve it...Oh, Lord, hold her close to You and draw her heart into yours that hers might be comforted and at peace.
Their other child is a son ~ born of other parents, fostered from the age of 3 to 4 1/2, then adopted into the family. He has many special needs which have been loved through and dealt with over the years. He desperately needs a dad's love ~ I know that Abba/Daddy is our all sufficient One, I also know that He can mend all hearts and work all things for His glory ~ but I am so heartbroken for this young man, my daughter's dear friend, who was beginning to thrive under the love and care of such a kind and giving family. My mind asks "Why?" This summer as they were pursuing diagnosis and struggling to find out what exactly was going on (the illness all began in May), I was certain that God in His infinite love and mercy would not be allowing a terminal illness of the father into the life of this tender and broken young man...I was wrong, and continue to struggle with reconciling my belief that God will heal the Cancer because He would not allow so much tragedy into one person's life so young with the obvious direction of his illness..Nothing wrong with believing for a miracle, but how do I support this family in the face of grim and difficult reality?...Love ~ this is the answer, and there are so many faces to share...
Oh, Lord, most Sovereign and Holy God. Anoint me with Your Oil of gladness, may I overflow with Your lovingkindness and compassion...make me Your hands and feet for this family whom I love. Show me Your way, illumine to me their needs and how I can be Your hands to meet them. Oh, Lord, lift this sadness from my spirit that I might bless those whose sadness is immeasurable. Show me how to be a friend in a circumstance where I feel helpless ~ and in your tender mercy, please give light to their path, rest to their spirits, and divine timing to this process that none should suffer too long ~ in His name, I pray. Amen.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Something to Consider
I once was not so aware of the sanctity of life. I can understand those who are in the darkness. I praise God and thank Him that I am no longer confused about this very important issue because He has shown me clearly how ALL are important to Him ~ this is sobering, perhaps it will lead you to move in a way of prayer or otherwise...but at least it should stir your soul...
A Field of Tears<> Who Weeps for the Victims of Abortion? Daniel A. Fix GUEST COLUMNIST, Nebraska <>(
This morning I arose at 5:00 a.m. for the purpose of praying the Rosary at the local Planned Parenthood aborting clinic. I'm not much of a regular at the clinic but I decided to contribute to a local effort supported by the Lincoln Diocese. I was filling a time slot assigned to St. Francis of Assisi Traditional Latin Mass Community.
I had gone before, usually around midnight during lent, when the clinic's gruesome"business" was not being conducted and all was more or less quiet. This morning was different. When I arrived it was cool and pitch dark outside, save for one lone streetlight. I began my watch in silence and prayer as I walked along the sidewalk outside the clinic gates. On the inside, a man was performing quite different tasks. He had grey hair and he wore a vest that read"Planned Parenthood Escort". He was about 70 years old. We didn'tacknowledge one another, although both were aware of the other's presence.
I went about my business of prayer and he went about his of preparing the clinic for another day of "business". Mine, I pray, was a labor born of love; his, whether he knew it or not, was a labor born out of diabolical distortion of the notion of freedom.
In the grass just outside the clinic gate I could see countless drops of dew reflecting the light cast by a lone street lamp in the predawn darkness.They resembled tears. But whose? Perhaps those who had been, and would be, forever denied the sight of their own mothers' faces or robbed of the hope of seeing God's. Maybe they were intermixed with the tears of Angels who would this day lose their little charges to the clinic's deadly "business". Another "escort" appeared -a grandmotherly figure, who busied herself markingthe clinic entrance with signs giving words of welcome in three languages. They hung a large tarp above a fence so that their "clients" might not see the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the roof next door.
They had to make certain everything was in order, for this was not just another day of doling out contraceptives and "educational" material. No, today the doctor was coming and the real work would be done. Mothers would pass through the clinic gates with new life in their wombs only to exit them with wombs violated and life snuffed out. There would be "procedures"carried out by skillful hands today. Never mind that hearts would be broken, lives would end, and souls would be imperiled. Again, those glistening tears in the grass -to whom did they belong? Maybe to all those mothers, fathers and grandparents who'd left behind the slaughtered remains of their own flesh and blood, realizing too late they'd been deceived by the Father of Lies. There in the darkness I could only imagine.
Soon, others arrived in support of the cause of life. Banners and signs were erected and more Rosaries prayed. There were familiar exchanges and greetings between veteran adversaries in this battle that's been going onfor so many years. As we waited and prayed, one gentleman committed the "offense" of resting his sign against a tree for a moment as he rubbed his hands together for warmth against the cold. An observant official marched the entire distance of the clinic grounds to give him a stern warning. It was the clinic's tree and thus a violation of the clinic's property rights! The "offender" said nothing, just picked up his sign and continued to pray. It seemed that all of the escorts and workers for the clinic were advanced in years. It was sad to think that these souls, so obviously nearing their own particular judgments, would evidently remain determined to continue in the trade of death right up to the end. Again the tears in the grass outside the gate -whose were they? Perhaps those of Angels Guardian, whose aged charges went about the clinic's work in ignorance or defiance of the coming judgment of their God.
The sky was growing light and the preparations nearly complete. The real business was about to start. A car approached the clinic gate. On each sideof the gate stood a female escort, holding a sign of welcome in one hand anda cup of coffee in the other. A few pro-life folks tried to talk to the new arrivals, to plead the cause of life. Attempts were made to provide literature, but the workers were determined to see those frustrated. They shouted at the driver, ordering him to drive forward into the parking lot.In raised voices, they instructed their hesitant clients not to stop and not to open the windows. The driver complied and sped through the gates. But the battle was not quite over. A young man on our side of the fence spoke to the young lady as she emerged from the car wearing a backpack and an uncertain look. In those last precious moments of her baby's life, he pleaded with the young mother that it was not too late and that the baby could still be saved. But the clinic workers drowned out the young man's voice using what sounded like gas-powered leaf blowers.
The young woman was whisked away by escorts behind the clinic door. Her "brave" driver made his getaway speedily back through the gates. Other"clients" were waiting.That was it! It was over so quickly! In sadness, I again thought of those teardrops in the grass. Maybe this time the Creator of us all had joined His tears to that field of them outside the abortion clinic gate.The sun lifted high into the morning sky but my heart sank at the realization of imminent defeat. Inside, a baby would die in a few moments. More Rosaries were prayed. The escorts seemed unaffected by any of it, and happily chatted and laughed away. One even mildly mocked the young man whose pleas had been blown away.
Their shop talk was interrupted by the arrival of yet another car at thegate. The escorts sprang into action. This time there was little delay as the vehicle's driver passed through the gates without slowing down. Again, the through-the-fence pleas of the young man were squelched by leafblowers. The woman was rushed inside. This is a job better done without deliberation or reflection. I was stunned by the mechanical efficiency of it all.
I thought of my own little girl still asleep at home in her bed, surroundedby warm blankets or perhaps her mother's embrace. In a few moments, she'd wake up in peace, warmth, and security. But here at the gates of this place, a real life nightmare was unfolding before my eyes as at least two little ones still in the embrace of their mothers' wombs were having awakenings of another sort. There would be no peace, no warmth, and no security for them this morning-just the sensations of things too horrible to ponder. And yet no one would be there to hold the little hands, hear the silent screams, or wipe away the tears. I looked down at the field of tears in the grass before me just then. Earlier, I had wondered whose they might be. Now I knew for certain that at least some of them belonged to me.God help us, what have we done!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Chalk Fun
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Workings and stirrings
God has been training me; a proving ground of faith and trusting. I am growing in my peace and joy despite outward circumstances, but also questioning Him many steps along the way. I sense Him letting me stay in the desert at times to see if I trust His presence despite the lack of constant assurances - to build me for another time (perhaps where there are even more challenges?...)
I have a great heart for my friends, and it goes out to them often when they are struggling. I can awaken in prayer need, and often have different people come to mind throughout the day. I currently have many close to me who are suffering from the effects of significant illness in their families ~ one whose husband has been given very little hope for lviing beyond six months (and truly will take a miracle in the next few months if God intends him to live on), one who has a sister who is dying of brain CA (with two small kids at home, single parent) and again has been given "20% chance" at dad has prostate cancer (though not aggressive); God has given me assurance here, but still it calls for prayer and some attention, one whose daughter is struggling with health issues the doctors are trying to discern (she is my "first born" god daughter; fourteen now), a nephew who continues with challenges that are not yet resolved in his mind/body and my sister is drained, a friend having exploratory surgery this week for some possible heart concerns...I have found myself remarkably peaceful during this time and not worried about the outcomes, though I continue to pray. It is such a sense of freedom and definite shows my growth in trust.
Additionally, we have been stretched to a very deep level with our finances, and at this time of stretching, things keep breaking that could use replacement (tires on the car, electronics in the house...). I was going through a significant time of heartache on Sunday when trying to catch up the bills (and looking at how to pay some licensure fees, car taxes, etc. when I wasn't sure we had enough to pay our normal bills). We have had some recent decrease in income as well as unexpected high bills well beyond where we prefer to spend which also required stretching of our credit card in a way we don't usually do (as we prefer to use it only for airlines and such); but as I pressed in and pressed on, I was filled with peaceful assurance and realized again that God, as always, is faithful. He even showed me how Awesome He was by working out the car taxes ~ as if our budget were different ~ and I was able to creatively pay both sets from our checking account. Unbelievable by most standards (and could have easily been missed had He not shown me)...Our God is an Awesome God...
Yes, we are in debt, but not beyond what He foreknew and expected. He has a plan for us to recover, it is just not easily visible as to how it will work, but I KNOW without a doubt we will be debt free again within a few months. We are so much better off than the feelings I experienced as I started to allow my mind to wander. I have a tendency to want to give to so many things, (which I continued to do freely this month, when I felt God leading me to) but am much more aware of where we must remain in discipline right now. God provides for all things, and I submit to Him for knowing what and when. When I look at what is "real" and "true" in our lives, I recognize that I am nuts to even have any doubt or concern; He is in control of our needs. I took my eyes off the truth and placed them upon the world once more; gratefully, He has restored my vision.
My behaviors toward my kids have been a good ground for training as well; I have been convicted so much lately when acting in ways that are "ungodly" toward them; the question about whether I will let things go, esolve to not become frustrated with certain provocations, disrespectful behaviors, slovenly approaches to things, etc looms clear during my days interactions...I was encouraged when a new friend stated to me the other day "You are remarkably uncontrolling, I love it! I want to live here as a kid" when she observed an interaction that apparently would have driven her nuts and been an "immediate no" in her mind...I thank God that He was answering my call for assurance that I was loving my kids with a heart postured toward His. I thank God that He continues to work in me to mold me to a more grace-filled exhorting parent who maintains boundaries but not wrong expectations (after all, I still don't get it right with God, right??!). I need His help in this big time.
Oh, I am so blessed to know a Creator who loves me enough to not leave me as I am...who knows me so well that He knows how to bring the mud up from my heart and continue to cleanse me from the impurities of idolatry...and I am so incredibly humbled to see how far I have come, and yet how far I still have to go. Praise God for His patience with me! I am every so grateful.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
Isabelle Eugenia Simpson Cooper Norris ~ a woman of many names and wearer of many hats. Her wake was a three hour tribute of worship to God and reflection of her life and legacy. It was truly amazing, and a dear blessing to hear each of the tributes from those she had touched and labored alongside with for the Lord. Each person who spoke, acknowledged "Mommie's" deep reverence for God and love of service - of pouring herself out to those she knew and those whom she cared about. Compassion and Love were her middle names from what I could surmise. Even the meditation given by the pastor was about LOVE ~ he stated that as he was preparing the message, he had anticipated using verses from Psalms as he usually does, but the scripture in 1 John 4:7-8 was strong on his heart "7Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." He then exhorted us to take the example set before us, run the race God has laid out for us, and consider this most important component.
Oh, I am so blessed to share a relationship with a daughter of hers who lives her mother's legacy well. I am so thankful to have been able to participate in this memory sharing time, to learn and be inspired by another of the quiet Saints who have gone on before me. May God be blessed as He welcomes her home ~ with a strong "Well done, My good and faithful servant." Hallelujah.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Counting my blessings...
1) First and foremost, I LOVE homeschooling. I feel so incredibly blessed, privileged and grateful for this time and opportunity. It is my daily prayer that I grow in grace and wisdom as I tend to my daughter's educational and emotional needs.
2) I have been lamenting lack of exercise. I grew up playing soccer (from six to 36 years old, several times per week; with some other sports thrown in in high school), and I miss regular exercise. I quit the gym when Michelle was a baby because of schedule needs and finances, I quit soccer when Kari was a baby because of babysitting needs and location, and I have been hopelessly inept at self-discipline for home exercise...though my intentions have always been good. In the recent weeks I had been praying that God would give me something for exercise...and He did! I started walking with my neighbor several mornings per week - as soon as Kari gets on the bus I walk down to her house (it is about seven houses away) where she is waiting, having put her son on the bus just after my daughter. We walk in the brisk morning air around the neighborhood. Our first "loop" was .7 miles (the first week). This week we have found one that is 1.7 miles. Oooh, I am blessed for the friendship, the time in fresh air, and the spring to my step that feels so good!
3) I have been desiring to take another class for years (I always love learning). I quit the programs I was involved in when I remarried because of needs at home, and had not had the time nor opportunity that worked since then for anything formal except Bible studies (which have been terrific). I still wanted something a bit more directed, and God sent something my way unexpectedly a few weeks ago. Though it is a short online course (nine weeks, I am in week three), I am so blessed to be studying with others and expanding once more in a class setting that I have been quite grateful.
4) I have been praying that God would use me to serve others; I have felt that I've been so out of touch with the joy of pouring out that I used to do so frequently and naturally. I have felt blocked from what I usually experience as free flow, and it has been disheartening...but God has recently shown me ways that I have been used to serve Him through service to some of my dear friends who are hurting/struggling/suffering for various reasons during this season in their lives. Thank YOU, Lord, that You are still choosing to use me, I am blessed!
5) I am delighting in noticing my children seeking God's truths and growing in His ways. Every time I feel that I am a complete failure in pointing them in the correct direction of dependence, faith and love, I see a glimmer of Him in one of their actions, comments, or questions which shows me that we are still on track. Oh, how the grace of that washes over me. I am ever so thankful to Him for allowing me the privilege of shepherding these young people, as well as for encouraging me with illumination of truth when I stumble or give way to fear/worry.
6) I have been feeling somewhat lonely as of late, and since that time began, my cats have become delightful companions. They used to go outside more often, but they have come and snuggled with me or laid near me in the evenings and mornings when I have been reading and resting. I have relished their comfort and sharing.
7) Last December I decided that I was going to read through the Bible, being sure not to miss a single word. I had definitely read most of it over the years, some over and over, but I sensed that I was missing some and felt a strong, albeit daunting, desire to assure myself that I could read His entire message to me. I got one of those "read the Bible in a year" checklists, and began checking (no, I didn't follow it ~ I can't read that way). I am now on my last two books; half-way through the second to last, and so thrilled that I have persevered. I am eager to begin anew with the checklist, as I want to try to do this every year (I still read the words that He is speaking to me or that I need, but I also just take time to make sure I am listening to all of it, and seek a "new book" when I am doing a devotion without forethought). I have been so blessed by this experience as well. What a pleasure it has been ~ and how He has met me throughout the time.
So, life is providing great opportunity for me to see His hand pouring out blessings in my life. I pray the same is true for you. :-)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fall is in the air
I am hopeful to continue on this as the week progresses, I keep waiting for a less warm day, following another rain ideally. :-) Today I finished cleaning up another, smaller bed but the pile was equally sized as the above pic on our trailer. :-) God is so gracious as to provide us with a few flowers despite the overgrowth of "choking weeds" - I still have some blooms here and there for which I am ever so grateful. :-)
I have listened to much chatter about the different parties who are up for President. I have listened to their statements, reviewed voting records, and heard plenty of slander. I recently read a long discourse from some friends of mine who are VERY pro-Obama regarding Sarah Palin's white privilege and how she is incapable of being a decent vice-president.
I just yesterday got an email from a friend of mine who wanted to share another perspective, which I had not seen in the past. She recommended it not be played around children as there is some harsh language in it. I felt somewhat disgusted after I had viewed it. Not so much for the political message and somewhat frightening positions Senator Obama maintains, but more so in the word his pastor was speaking over America...the power of the word of God in us (what we say carries the authority of Christ if we are truly Christians, as God has been convicting me about over the past year). He actually damns America...and asks God to do so. Not just once, but multiple times...
It is very unsettling to me. Here is the video footage...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Third Day...
It is truly awe-inspiring to have so many people singing scripture together in an outdoor venue. I was so blessed, many times, but particularly during some of Third Day's songs that were straight from the Word ~ back to Him...God met me there deeply during the singing of "cry out for Jesus..." ~ I almost couldn't breathe as my chest ached for more of Him and I was overwhelmed with my desire for His heart in mine ~ it was a moment I can never describe, yet will not soon forget...
I had another really cool experience with Robert Randolph's band. This was a group from the New Jersey area; they called themselves a church band from Jersey during their worship. Most of the "songs" were more music lifted high in love, versus lots of words (which was nice, easy to sing along) :-) I really enjoyed their rhythms, the lead played a mean steel guitar, and they put such heart into their playing ~ some of it struck me as discordant because it was unfamiliar, and would switch beat fairly quickly at times. I began praying that I would hear it as they intended it as I knew it was meant for worship - God met me and verses of Psalms began flowing through my mind/heart as the music was playing. It was neat! I have never experienced such a thing, but God surely did bless me with that.
Switchfoot used an incredibly talented violinest (viola, perhaps, I wasn't sure) accompanying thier band. Her music added a wonderful depth to the songs. They also had beautiful choreography during parts that was just a vivid reminder of how God can use newer electronic abilities for His good pleasure and purposes. The presentation was stunning at times.
At the end, all of the bands gathered together to play "I'll Fly Away" (one of my husband's favorite ole-timey tunes), and a song by Bono (U2) which was fun to sing along with as well. By that time, my girlfriends and I had stepped toward the back out on the lawn and we were singing and dancing in the cool night breeze (where it had been downright balmy in the pavilion and earlier), and gloriously praising God for His earth and the beauty of worship.
With much gratitude I thank my friends for calling me Thursday when the extra ticket came available. I had a blessed time not only because of the concert, but also because of the fellowship. Girlfriends are so important. Thank the Lord, oh my soul. I am blessed beyond measure.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Budding Artist
If you look closely, you can see the letters in her name pretty well. I am not quite sure what else she was trying to write. I think she messed up the E, scribbled it out, and tried again next to it. Then on to her name again (perhaps?...) Of course, lest I not feel left out, this was on the other side of the car (right below my window, no less - I was REALLY out to lunch!) :-)
That is the last "M" in Mom. :-)
After several minutes of explaining that this was definitely not okay, and that we will NEVER again write on Mommy's car, we talked about what we must use when writing, and how rocks scratch the side of cars so that the paint goes away and doesn't ever come back...she was completely mortified for the moment.
A few minutes of scrubbing with my favorite Meguiar's Car Cleaner Wax (amazing item I found years ago, apparently they have even better items made specifically for scratches now, but this worked fine) it was hardly noticeable ~ take a look...
Thank God we have more important things in our lives than cars, hmm? However, Praise Him that we do have vehicles, and homes, and places for piano lessons ~ we are so incredibly blessed. :-)
I am ever so grateful for His Spirit keeping us in check.
Many blessings on your day -
Sunday, August 24, 2008
5 Secrets of Sickeningly Happy Couples...
Anyway, if you wanted to read the article (it really was pretty cute), here it is: 5 Secrets
Saturday, August 23, 2008
God's Pleasure to Share
God did not depart from me on Monday, nor has He ever left me. However, the relational trials our family continues to face (as they escalate and ebb regularly, with a culmination this week on Friday) keep knocking me off center. I know intellectually that God desires for me to experience His peace and purpose my heart to focus upon His sovereignty during these trials. I have many moments of sheer joy in His presence despite the evils, but I have not yet experienced complete rest in Him
Well, I know that He would have me not blow in the winds of moods. He loves me and He desires me to walk in the joy and peace of the Lord at all times. I have not been as blessed in walking away from the influence of my heart/mind combination related to our relational trials. It has frustrated and disappointed me.
God blessed me tonight with His Word ~ speaking directly to me in so many ways as Bo and I participated in a sermon series wrap up at a friend's church. It was the first night I had had the gumption to attend (I often participate with them in studies, but had been out of the loop for a couple of months); I was pleased Bo and I could have an evening together to focus upon something real and meaningful with brothers and sisters after this week's fiascos. I now know why God prompted me to go.
Here is what He shared through the speaker:
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
17 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
Romans 8:18
18For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
2 Peter 3:13
13 But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness.
And, finally: 1 Corinthians 2:9 9
That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
Praise God that He sees all, knows all, and loves us so ~ and what pleasure awaits in the things He promises to come...This life is so short in light of eternity. These trials such a blip on the radar screen of what is real and lasting. We have so much more than we can imagine, and He desires to pour out upon us so much more than we could ever dream. We are so blessed. Thank You, Lord.
Friday, August 22, 2008
This and That
I have been praying daily, hourly, moment by moment that God would redeem my heart to His and allow me to flow with love and grace and prayerful petition toward her and for her. I keep slipping down the slippery slope of evil with each new event that pries at my very soul. Father, forgive her for she knows not what she is doing. This I truly believe. However, she is a professing Christian who is fully involved with, and working for, her church and it hurts me that I see the opposite fruits.
Lord, I do NOT want to be this way in my heart's response. Please, dear Father, heal my spirit and let me rest in Your sovereign will. You allow all things for our greater good and Your good purposes. May I rest in You and hold fast in the faith that I KNOW all things work together for good for those of us who love You and are called by You. Bless you, Lord that You have allowed this challenge into my life and the lives of those whom I love. Thank you for the opportunity to embrace grace and grow!
Aside from some very difficult weeks of pressing in and pressing on at the end of June and early to mid July, we have recently entered into a new phase of difficult and my dear hubby is, at this very moment, in mediation with his former wife. I trust God will carry this through, but today I have been off my center because of some telephonic interactions he has had which have been really hurtful in addition to all the other stuff he is facing.
It feels like it will never end. I pray hearts soften and children be given the freedoms to be children and to be free to love both parents without constraint. Dissension between former spouses is not the ideal for children; nor is separation from either parent for any length of time when young.
So, what is something that could be garnered here? Blended families are quite difficult in ideal circumstances. They are destructive to children in less than ideal ~ please listen if you are hesitating in your marriage. Seek God, pray, submit, seek outside help for the challenges if need be ~ protect your family. God can hold anything together, but you must be willing to sacrifice and trust. Life is not necessarily better on the other side, and things are so much more complicated for the children. My first marriage dissolved upon God's release, and this one occured with His leading...but our children have suffered tremendously, and while God can and will heal them and redeem the time while using it all for His glory, it has been hard to walk through, especially knowing that many of their trials could have been prevented (and, given the obvious circumstances, there will be many more to come).
Other co-parenting issues ~ while I had thought the home schooling decision had been clarified between my former husband and myself, two days before our Hilton Head vacation he told me our children needed to be enrolled in the public schools or he would take me to court to force the issue. Just like that ~ I thought we were through all concerns, but evidently not. Perhaps he didn't hear me in my last assertion that was never challenged in June...or perhaps he believed I might change my mind about my decision...I don't know. This is not typical for us, and I was baffled.
Since God led the homeschool decision, I knew He could make it pass but I really didn't look forward to my own court involvement after the heavy summer. Steve (my former husband) and I had always worked things out without the courts (even our divorce). I just started praying internally while stating my surprise and expressing my concerns related to why I had intended to home school in the first place and why it was best for our fifth grader. While he was out to dinner with the girls I continued praying as well as gathering the curriculum I had selected (with him in mind when I chose it, knowing his triggers and concerns).
I brought it out to show him when he returned, again explained my position and why I believed it was best for our daughter and for her future and what I hoped to accomplish with this time at home (leaving the Lord's will out of the discussion because of his immense fear and belief that we are becoming somewhat cultish with our faith). God blessed me ~ Steve allowed me to home school Michelle. Kari he would not concede, but that is okay. At the beginning my intention was to spend the year with Michelle alone, anyway, because of her special needs. Kari just really wanted to be a part, and I saw no reason why she could not. Praise God that He is faithful in establishing those things that He calls us to.
So, Kari went to meet her teachers today at her new school (we were rezoned). They seem delightful. God provided an added bonus to tie this all together ~ Michelle will be allowed to participate in the art room with Kari's class (with the teacher who actually taught her father years ago) while I serve as a volunteer during that time. How cool is that?! We serve an awesome and amazing God. :-) I am sure that this afternoon will also prove to be to His glory despite how it feels. I am grateful that we are so blessed as to have God who loves us so despite our total depravity and lack of deserving for anything good. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!