Something to Consider

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What Am I Thankful For?

Last Sunday my husband came home and told me that our pastor had encouraged us to set aside time to reflect on what we were thankful for (I was teaching Sunday School so missed the sermon; it was the last on a series on the Ten Commandments).

Tuesday morning during my very early devotionals (God work me early Tuesday for some intensive hours of prayer), I decided it was the perfect quiet time to reflect and journal.

I had written five pages in my journal before my children began trickling in the room for our morning bible time. I could have gone one for much longer...God is so amazing. We have been blessed beyond measure. To sit and think about all that God has given me was a powerful many things I don't consider gifts, that are truly gifts from Him, came to mind. My home and food and electricity and water are all blessed to me from Him. I could be poor in the US and unable to afford much of what I have; I could have been born into a country where these things do not exist (though perhaps I would actually experience richness more, then...). The beauty of His creation from tiny fieldmice who are out in droves currently, to the large elephants who can paint self-potraits....Our very breath and health belong to God our Creator. Ruach (from what I recall) is our life. Praise Him!

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