Something to Consider

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Descent into Hell by Howard Storm

I just finished a really interesting book...I found it randomly when browsing through Amazons vast library of options (getting my summer reading list together) :-) While the book has some parts I question, the overall theme is amazing and compelling...I wanted to share bits and pieces that struck me as I started trying to process the profundity of the author's words.

In a chapter about the past and the future (wars and such), he states "the way to prevent war is to love aggressively and care for all people. Sufficient wealth, food and resources exist for every person in the world. Wars result not because there is a scarcity of resources, but because of our desire to possess resources to the exlusion of others. God loves every man, woman, and child on this planet more than we love our own children. God wants all people to have food, shelter, meaningful work, and an opportunity to be creative; to learn the truth, have freedom from fear, have self-esteem, be procreative, live in community, find complete joy, trust in God, and become the wonderful people that God created us to be.
"Our purpose is to know and do God's will in this life, and we do this when we love one another as God loves us. Every person without exception needs to be loved by us. This is the most difficult and most important lesson of our life. this is what has shaped the past and this is what will create the future. We have failed to learn this fundamental lesson that God has been teaching us from most religious traditions since the beginning of human consciousness."

In another chapter..."The love of God, the love of neighbor, and the love of self are inseparable parts of a whole that cannot be divided. Without the love of God, there cannot be true love of another. It is only through the overarching Spirit of God that one can love another person. Love comes from God, and relationships not grounded in the love of God are based on the exploitation of other people. Only through love of God can we see the true value and beauty of another person.
"It is impossible to love another person unless we love ourselves. Without the love of God, it is impossible to love ourselves because every human being is aware of their flawed nature and sinfulness. We can find ourselves truly lovable only by receiving the love that our Creator has for us. When there is no love of God, there is only the counterfeit love of narcissism, which is a gross attempt to prove ourselves lovable. The only authentic love in this world is achieved when there is balance between love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self."

One last thought worth sharing (in the same flow, though much further in the book)..."Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to love one another as he loved us. I don't know how to practice this radical kind of love in a world that exploits love. One who takes Jesus Christ's command seriously must live in constant tension with the world. The fervent desire of the Spirit of God working in and through the church to make the world more loving is thwarted by the passion of the world to undermine the church.
The Bible teaches - from Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation - that each of us is free to choose whether we are proponents of God's will or opponents of God's will. The question is: Are you seeking God's will or are you not? Knowing and doing God's will is the curriculum in this life. The church, as flawed as it may be, is the instrument to help us know God's will. The church is the closest we will get to God outside of heaven. The secular world is the place where we are sent to do the work of the Spirit of Christ."

I really enjoyed reading Mr. Storm's book...will likely re-read it as it is filled with testimony speaking toward God's love and truths ~

Blessings ~