Something to Consider

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Wonderful Night

On Sunday night this past weekend, we took the kids to see "The Living Christmas Tree. "This event is put on by the church my husband and I met at in town. It is the seventh season; and surely was the "perfect" production this year.

This is a very tall (several stories high) board, garland and light, tree which has tiers of persons standing within, singing the story of Christ's birth. The music and lights were phenomenal. This year's musical selection was my favorite thus far (we have been several times). In the past, the pastor of the church had read from Luke throughout the performance, accentuating the songs and carols. This year, the scripture was put to music and taken from not only Luke but also John, Isaiah, Psalms and others. What an incredible blessing of praise and joy and thanksgiving to our Lord.

I am so grateful that the Methodist Church in our community has offered this each year. I was working at the church the year the idea was pitched and the costs were discussed. It involved tremendous investment up front, but the fruits have more than been worth it. What a blessing to our Lord ~ orchestra, band and song all wrapped up in praising Him hour after hour, day after day. Thank you, dear sweet participants, for your gift of time and love. We were blessed.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Star or Angel??

Growing up, we had a tinsel star atop of our Christmas tree. I remember the anticipation each year after we had finished dressing the tree, my dad would get out the star topper and place it up high. We then would turn all the tree lights on and ooh and aah at our masterpiece. As we children got older, my dad continued to be the one to place the star upon the tree ~ pointing the way to Bethlehem (well, at least that is how I like to see it now, back then it was just "the star").

When I was single, I couldn't find a star I liked as well as the one I had growing up. They had become plastic and commercialized in such a way they didn't feel right to me. I decided to go wtih an angel, who held in her hands a string of white lights on garland. She was beautiful and I truly enjoyed her - especially as she lit up and matched the other lights on our tree. During my first marriage, we continued to use this little angel. She was simple in a world of over the top, and I loved that.

Fast forward to marriage number two. My husband did not have a tree separate from his mother's house or girlfriends prior to our marriage ~ he did not take any of the ornaments from his first marriage and his kids did not know of any specific traditions that they needed to maintain. He had used angels in the past, but was not bent upon this tradition. We used my angel the first two years, but I began to sense it was time for a change. With new marriage, there should be new traditions. Our blended family needed to have something special that reflected us ~ something that was new for us and unifying.

Two years ago (we are now celebrating our fifth Christmas together), we stopped using my angel. We considered many options but none really jumped out as "the one." That year the tree top remained bare, though the tree was still lovely and filled with ornaments that have such meaning and are treasures. The topper was not missed; as personal as our tree is, using something "just because" would have been wrong. We left it for that year.

Last year, I again went seeking angels or stars to see what might fit our family tree. I brought a few home, only to be returned as not quite right. My husband was not as worried about this as I was, but I just wanted something to top our tree. I finally took a large purple bow (I had bows throughout the house), ribbed in gold, and placed it atop the tree. To me the bow represented the gift of Christ, His royalty and His Majesty. The gift we can unwrap whenever we so choose. It was pleasing to me then. It fit last year's theme in our home ~ unwrapping Christ in our lives.

This year, as we decorated the tree ~ I again was seeking that perfect star or angel that we could use. I had forgotten the bow in the time between seasons. As I looked at our completed tree which the kids did most of the decorating on this year, it was beautiful. I even enjoy the three ornament per branch surrounding the base of the tree, courtesy of our youngest two. I was touched again by the simple beauty of things that last ~ family ornaments, kid made ornaments, nativities and crosses, angels and white house ornaments ~ a beautiful arrangement of blessing. While I was enjoying the tree, my husband went seeking ~ he pulled out the purple bow and placed it at the top of the tree. He reminded me that we had done that last year and he had liked it ~ Praise God...a new tradition. Who would have thought a simple inspiration would bring blessing year after year.

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas ~ May the gift of our Savior, His incredible sacrifice of emptying Himself of godliness to take the form of child in a world of sin and ugliness, warm your heart and bring peace and joy to your spirit through this season.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Power of Prayer~

God has been taking me on an incredible journey over the past few years, increasing His wisdom in my life related to the awesome privelege and power of intercession and prayers of the saints. He has been growing me in understanding and using me in many ways that have been so incredible to witness. He has called me deeper into Him that I might understand the source of power in our lives, the truth of His vision (versus ours which is oh so limited), and the incredible LOVE He has for each one of us, wherever we are upon the path toward accepting His gift of righteousness....I have witnessed healing miracles following prayer, I have seen incredible transformation and redemption drivin by the Holy Spirit for those whom I thought may never know has been breathtaking and awe inspiring.

Over Thanksgiving, He gave me the privilege of sharing this experience with my husband. My daughter had awoken Thanksgiving morning with a stomachache and a fever that was spiking to 103.2. She had come barreling into our bedroom crying; she was supposed to go to her dad's that morning and hated feeling so sick. I immediately began praying for her healing and God prompted me to go get my husband (he was tending to the other ten people who were living in our home that week). Wherever two or more are gathered, in agreement with God, amazing things can happen ~ (I believe amazing things happen, anyway, but God was teaching me this day about his power of two) ~ I told my husband what God had spoken and he came and began praying over his stepdaughter. As we laid hands on her in prayer, the fever began to break. We sang a couple of praise songs over her (He always gives me a song after prayer for healing; I am not sure why, but I love it) and in a few moments, she was transformed to health again. Praise Him for His mighty works!

Of course, the great ending was my husband experienced such grace and amazement, and her father was given the truth of the morning (he is not a believer). May the seed He has sown continue to work in my former husband's heart and not be cast away. Amen? Hallelujah. God is so good! To Him be the Glory forever and ever ~