Something to Consider

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Budding Artist

I have definitely been distracted by homeschooling (though I AM loving it!)...

Last Wednesday while parked outside at Michelle's piano lesson, I was engrossed in reading some things I needed to catch up to get myself on track for some of the school work. I did not tune in to the sounds outside until *something* tracked my attention. I sat up, and listened sounded like one of the girls was scraping on the side of our van with a rock...

And it was! Oh, my...Rose was having a wonderful time practicing her letters, and since they had not been showing up clearly in the gravel drive, she had been trying to get them to show up better on the side of our car ~ see if you can read this...

If you look closely, you can see the letters in her name pretty well. I am not quite sure what else she was trying to write. I think she messed up the E, scribbled it out, and tried again next to it. Then on to her name again (perhaps?...) Of course, lest I not feel left out, this was on the other side of the car (right below my window, no less - I was REALLY out to lunch!) :-)

That is the last "M" in Mom. :-)

After several minutes of explaining that this was definitely not okay, and that we will NEVER again write on Mommy's car, we talked about what we must use when writing, and how rocks scratch the side of cars so that the paint goes away and doesn't ever come back...she was completely mortified for the moment.

A few minutes of scrubbing with my favorite Meguiar's Car Cleaner Wax (amazing item I found years ago, apparently they have even better items made specifically for scratches now, but this worked fine) it was hardly noticeable ~ take a look...

So, in the dark we can't see a thing; with old eyes and distance, we notice nothing...and the nearly 8 inch long gash that was the top of her "E" is just normal wear and tear with kids ~ hey, at least it wasn't a key (which I have on the other side). She was trying to reflect her creative side, not be destructive. I can praise that. :-)

Thank God we have more important things in our lives than cars, hmm? However, Praise Him that we do have vehicles, and homes, and places for piano lessons ~ we are so incredibly blessed. :-)


Kim said...

I'm amazed at how nicely your "miracle" wax worked.

I knew right away that it was Rose. I could tell by her nice penmanship.

During Scott's sermon this week, he spoke about a new car and the rules that go along with it, like no eating in the car, etc. He forgot to mention, no writing on the car. I think that would be a good one to add. lol

Unknown said...

That would most definitely be a good rule! ;-)

I was not able to get her name, nor mine, off the driver's side (as I noticed this afternoon). Ah well...*sigh* kids. :-)