Something to Consider

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I am not generally a political person in the sense that I don't get passionate usually about what is going on in politics. I tend to follow with as much objectivity as possible in order to discern what the Lord might be showing me in what I am watching/hearing (when I get emotional, I find it harder to hear from Him).

I have listened to much chatter about the different parties who are up for President. I have listened to their statements, reviewed voting records, and heard plenty of slander. I recently read a long discourse from some friends of mine who are VERY pro-Obama regarding Sarah Palin's white privilege and how she is incapable of being a decent vice-president.

I just yesterday got an email from a friend of mine who wanted to share another perspective, which I had not seen in the past. She recommended it not be played around children as there is some harsh language in it. I felt somewhat disgusted after I had viewed it. Not so much for the political message and somewhat frightening positions Senator Obama maintains, but more so in the word his pastor was speaking over America...the power of the word of God in us (what we say carries the authority of Christ if we are truly Christians, as God has been convicting me about over the past year). He actually damns America...and asks God to do so. Not just once, but multiple times...

It is very unsettling to me. Here is the video footage...

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