Finally I am returning to blogville! I have been really over-crowded with obligations lately that has had me spinning. When getting off the computer at the end of the day after tidying up home school stuff, I have often played Word Twist (a new game I found on facebook) to "brain down" before bed (rather than typing or thinking about *anything*)...

This is always a fun time for the kids to be recognized and uplifted, and for the adults to really enjoy them. We have had this "performance" each time we have been at my dad's ~
Anyway, back to the Pride's Thanksgiving Adventures. Boy was it a FUN time. This last entry is just to share my little blessings during our visit. One evening the kids had a performance (each wanted to do something they do well; sing, dance, "air band," piano...Rose was the emcee)
We also do an annual dinner out (this year, Mexican - YUMM) as well as many great meals in and lots of provoking, fun, challenging and thoughtful discussions ~ my family loves to chat about things ~ be it political, our culture and the changes, children (a favorite), work (updates), etc... One thing I love is that each is entitled to his or her own opinion without being made to feel badly when disagreements arise. It keeps us all aware of each other's current hearts, which I really enjoy.
There is also usually a trip hiking somewhere (this year it was beautiful, once again. I will post those when my brother sends me the pics; he handed me his camera so I could take some), a trip to the movies (this year was an even split between Madagascar 2 and Bolt), and a trip downtown to their little shops and boutiques (always great for girls shopping needs).
My "baby" sister and I, along with my sister-in-law, were doubly blessed with a "shopping trip" upstairs in my stepmother's spare room, where there are bins upon bins of clothing from her children that she passes on when she knows of a need. My sister needed clothes for her daughter (sizes 18 mos to 24 months), and I needed clothes for Rose (5-6). I came home with clothing that will work for Rose for the next two years. Kari had really worn out a lot of the things in this size that we had (they had been through three to four kids). I was incredibly thankful and Rose was delighted.
One particular memorable part of the visit was our Thanksgiving blessing sharing; each year our family passes around the *mike* to share what we are thankful for ~ starting with the kiddos and moving up to the adults. There is rarely a dry eye among the adults when we are finished, which is sweet and tender ~ especially when much of it has to do with the Lord's provision over the previous year, or His hand in certain circumstances (we are not allowed to repeat what has been said if it is generic ~ e.g. I'm thankful for God). I always love to uplift our Lord this way. Michelle particularly touched my heart this year ~ I am so grateful that her heart is shifting closer to our Father in tangible ways. :-)
So, finally, our delightful matches ~ dominos in the evenings, pool (especially the kids), leaf pile jumping (who can dive in and disappear without effort to cover themselves), football and soccer, and musical twists (who can play this one?)...I am ever so grateful to God for such a loving and fun family ~ He has blessed me beyond measure. Thanks for letting me share. :-)
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