Something to Consider

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

Too cute ~ I picked up my daughter from preschool today and her teacher wanted to tell me the latest enjoyment she had recieved (apparently my youngest has some entertaining sharing pretty often). Apparently when one of the kids at school said "God is King," Rose said "My mom says that my dad is King."

The teacher told me that she then explained that dad was king in the home, but God was King of everyone. I thought she responded quite well, and thanked her for this. I'll have to share wtih daddy when he gets home. :-)


Kim said...

That is adorable! Kids cause so many laugh at loud moments. Bo's going to love that one. I remember when Devyn was going to a local Christian school for pre-school and one day she came home and told me what she learned. "Mommy, did you know that Jesus turned water into beer?" So funny.

Kim said...

I meant laugh "out" loud.