Something to Consider

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Nativity Story

I was blessed to finally watch "The Nativity Story" on New Year's Day. I had purchased it before Christmas, with visions of snuggling in with all five kids and my husband to view it Christmas Eve. Since we opted to attend a Church service that evening, I had it on anticipatory hold. Next year I hope we can all watch it together for is worthwhile.

What an incredibly touching visual commentary. To know the story of Christ's descent into humanity through Mary, as recorded in Luke's gospel primarily, is good head knowledge. To see the characters in light of ourselves, and bear witness to their possible struggles, fears, emotions and thoughts... it was deeply moving.

While I don't know that the writer's words and emotional typecasts were fully accurate, they certainly could not have been too far from real. In the birthing scene, after Joseph had searched frantically for a room, there lay Mary in agonizing pain amidst hard rocks, animals and darkness...the cry of life and light entered ~ my whole being was touched by the simplicity, yet sacredness of it all. What humility and grace ~ knowing that God did this for me. Knowing that Mary bore this for me (her words in the movie to Joseph after Jesuse was born went something like "how do you think we will know when it is time? Will it be a word, a certain look in His eyes..."). I have often pondered what may have been her heart's thoughts and cries, this movie gave light to many angles I had never considered. Joseph's comment "I don't know if there will be anything I can teach Him"...speaks to the wonder and helplessness of us all in light of God's magnificence and holiness.

When the movie ended, I was deeply humbled. I went into my bedroom, fell onto my knees, and wept profusely. There I remained for many minutes continuing to cry while pouring out prayers of supplication, gratitude, and adoration for all that our Lord is and all that He has done for me ~ Oh, that I could only be blessed to be called His servant ~ may I be all that He intends...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, it is you who blesses me. Your encouraging words regarding A Piece of Chocolate are so affirming. Thank you so much. I value your opinion.
In Him,