Saturday, September 27, 2008
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
Isabelle Eugenia Simpson Cooper Norris ~ a woman of many names and wearer of many hats. Her wake was a three hour tribute of worship to God and reflection of her life and legacy. It was truly amazing, and a dear blessing to hear each of the tributes from those she had touched and labored alongside with for the Lord. Each person who spoke, acknowledged "Mommie's" deep reverence for God and love of service - of pouring herself out to those she knew and those whom she cared about. Compassion and Love were her middle names from what I could surmise. Even the meditation given by the pastor was about LOVE ~ he stated that as he was preparing the message, he had anticipated using verses from Psalms as he usually does, but the scripture in 1 John 4:7-8 was strong on his heart "7Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." He then exhorted us to take the example set before us, run the race God has laid out for us, and consider this most important component.
Oh, I am so blessed to share a relationship with a daughter of hers who lives her mother's legacy well. I am so thankful to have been able to participate in this memory sharing time, to learn and be inspired by another of the quiet Saints who have gone on before me. May God be blessed as He welcomes her home ~ with a strong "Well done, My good and faithful servant." Hallelujah.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Counting my blessings...
1) First and foremost, I LOVE homeschooling. I feel so incredibly blessed, privileged and grateful for this time and opportunity. It is my daily prayer that I grow in grace and wisdom as I tend to my daughter's educational and emotional needs.
2) I have been lamenting lack of exercise. I grew up playing soccer (from six to 36 years old, several times per week; with some other sports thrown in in high school), and I miss regular exercise. I quit the gym when Michelle was a baby because of schedule needs and finances, I quit soccer when Kari was a baby because of babysitting needs and location, and I have been hopelessly inept at self-discipline for home exercise...though my intentions have always been good. In the recent weeks I had been praying that God would give me something for exercise...and He did! I started walking with my neighbor several mornings per week - as soon as Kari gets on the bus I walk down to her house (it is about seven houses away) where she is waiting, having put her son on the bus just after my daughter. We walk in the brisk morning air around the neighborhood. Our first "loop" was .7 miles (the first week). This week we have found one that is 1.7 miles. Oooh, I am blessed for the friendship, the time in fresh air, and the spring to my step that feels so good!
3) I have been desiring to take another class for years (I always love learning). I quit the programs I was involved in when I remarried because of needs at home, and had not had the time nor opportunity that worked since then for anything formal except Bible studies (which have been terrific). I still wanted something a bit more directed, and God sent something my way unexpectedly a few weeks ago. Though it is a short online course (nine weeks, I am in week three), I am so blessed to be studying with others and expanding once more in a class setting that I have been quite grateful.
4) I have been praying that God would use me to serve others; I have felt that I've been so out of touch with the joy of pouring out that I used to do so frequently and naturally. I have felt blocked from what I usually experience as free flow, and it has been disheartening...but God has recently shown me ways that I have been used to serve Him through service to some of my dear friends who are hurting/struggling/suffering for various reasons during this season in their lives. Thank YOU, Lord, that You are still choosing to use me, I am blessed!
5) I am delighting in noticing my children seeking God's truths and growing in His ways. Every time I feel that I am a complete failure in pointing them in the correct direction of dependence, faith and love, I see a glimmer of Him in one of their actions, comments, or questions which shows me that we are still on track. Oh, how the grace of that washes over me. I am ever so thankful to Him for allowing me the privilege of shepherding these young people, as well as for encouraging me with illumination of truth when I stumble or give way to fear/worry.
6) I have been feeling somewhat lonely as of late, and since that time began, my cats have become delightful companions. They used to go outside more often, but they have come and snuggled with me or laid near me in the evenings and mornings when I have been reading and resting. I have relished their comfort and sharing.
7) Last December I decided that I was going to read through the Bible, being sure not to miss a single word. I had definitely read most of it over the years, some over and over, but I sensed that I was missing some and felt a strong, albeit daunting, desire to assure myself that I could read His entire message to me. I got one of those "read the Bible in a year" checklists, and began checking (no, I didn't follow it ~ I can't read that way). I am now on my last two books; half-way through the second to last, and so thrilled that I have persevered. I am eager to begin anew with the checklist, as I want to try to do this every year (I still read the words that He is speaking to me or that I need, but I also just take time to make sure I am listening to all of it, and seek a "new book" when I am doing a devotion without forethought). I have been so blessed by this experience as well. What a pleasure it has been ~ and how He has met me throughout the time.
So, life is providing great opportunity for me to see His hand pouring out blessings in my life. I pray the same is true for you. :-)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fall is in the air
I am hopeful to continue on this as the week progresses, I keep waiting for a less warm day, following another rain ideally. :-) Today I finished cleaning up another, smaller bed but the pile was equally sized as the above pic on our trailer. :-) God is so gracious as to provide us with a few flowers despite the overgrowth of "choking weeds" - I still have some blooms here and there for which I am ever so grateful. :-)
I have listened to much chatter about the different parties who are up for President. I have listened to their statements, reviewed voting records, and heard plenty of slander. I recently read a long discourse from some friends of mine who are VERY pro-Obama regarding Sarah Palin's white privilege and how she is incapable of being a decent vice-president.
I just yesterday got an email from a friend of mine who wanted to share another perspective, which I had not seen in the past. She recommended it not be played around children as there is some harsh language in it. I felt somewhat disgusted after I had viewed it. Not so much for the political message and somewhat frightening positions Senator Obama maintains, but more so in the word his pastor was speaking over America...the power of the word of God in us (what we say carries the authority of Christ if we are truly Christians, as God has been convicting me about over the past year). He actually damns America...and asks God to do so. Not just once, but multiple times...
It is very unsettling to me. Here is the video footage...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Third Day...
It is truly awe-inspiring to have so many people singing scripture together in an outdoor venue. I was so blessed, many times, but particularly during some of Third Day's songs that were straight from the Word ~ back to Him...God met me there deeply during the singing of "cry out for Jesus..." ~ I almost couldn't breathe as my chest ached for more of Him and I was overwhelmed with my desire for His heart in mine ~ it was a moment I can never describe, yet will not soon forget...
I had another really cool experience with Robert Randolph's band. This was a group from the New Jersey area; they called themselves a church band from Jersey during their worship. Most of the "songs" were more music lifted high in love, versus lots of words (which was nice, easy to sing along) :-) I really enjoyed their rhythms, the lead played a mean steel guitar, and they put such heart into their playing ~ some of it struck me as discordant because it was unfamiliar, and would switch beat fairly quickly at times. I began praying that I would hear it as they intended it as I knew it was meant for worship - God met me and verses of Psalms began flowing through my mind/heart as the music was playing. It was neat! I have never experienced such a thing, but God surely did bless me with that.
Switchfoot used an incredibly talented violinest (viola, perhaps, I wasn't sure) accompanying thier band. Her music added a wonderful depth to the songs. They also had beautiful choreography during parts that was just a vivid reminder of how God can use newer electronic abilities for His good pleasure and purposes. The presentation was stunning at times.
At the end, all of the bands gathered together to play "I'll Fly Away" (one of my husband's favorite ole-timey tunes), and a song by Bono (U2) which was fun to sing along with as well. By that time, my girlfriends and I had stepped toward the back out on the lawn and we were singing and dancing in the cool night breeze (where it had been downright balmy in the pavilion and earlier), and gloriously praising God for His earth and the beauty of worship.
With much gratitude I thank my friends for calling me Thursday when the extra ticket came available. I had a blessed time not only because of the concert, but also because of the fellowship. Girlfriends are so important. Thank the Lord, oh my soul. I am blessed beyond measure.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Budding Artist
If you look closely, you can see the letters in her name pretty well. I am not quite sure what else she was trying to write. I think she messed up the E, scribbled it out, and tried again next to it. Then on to her name again (perhaps?...) Of course, lest I not feel left out, this was on the other side of the car (right below my window, no less - I was REALLY out to lunch!) :-)
That is the last "M" in Mom. :-)
After several minutes of explaining that this was definitely not okay, and that we will NEVER again write on Mommy's car, we talked about what we must use when writing, and how rocks scratch the side of cars so that the paint goes away and doesn't ever come back...she was completely mortified for the moment.
A few minutes of scrubbing with my favorite Meguiar's Car Cleaner Wax (amazing item I found years ago, apparently they have even better items made specifically for scratches now, but this worked fine) it was hardly noticeable ~ take a look...
Thank God we have more important things in our lives than cars, hmm? However, Praise Him that we do have vehicles, and homes, and places for piano lessons ~ we are so incredibly blessed. :-)
I am ever so grateful for His Spirit keeping us in check.
Many blessings on your day -