Monday, December 15, 2008
The Power Of God and Prayer
For those who have not ever understood God's incredible provision and the power of prayer, let me give some background.
Several weeks ago we received a pretty desperate prayer request from one of our church members who serves in undercover operations in Afghanistan, among other places. He was asking for prayer for an Afghan who had been covertly working for the US (providing the coordinate locations and such for those pointed missle strikes that occured not long ago) ~This gentleman had completed his work, and was in process of trying to secure passage for himself and his family to the US to become American citizens and leave Afghanistan behind. One morning he was brutally kidnapped by the Taliban in front of his wife and children. They were told that he would be hanged in front of them that evening (as if the kidnapping were not brutal enough).We began praying in earnest that God would cover the Taliban's eyes and ears from uncovering the facts linking this man as an informant.
We prayed He would protect and cover this young man and his family. During the following weeks, we heard of several brutal killings of other members of the resistance who were helping the allies. The US forces could not locate this gentleman, which was good news in some ways, even though it was still tenuous. We did not give up hope within our home and continued to pray, sensing God was still at work in this case...
Here is the email note I just recieved from our church member ~
We recovered XXX, alive! I must admit I had begun to lose hope, the situation was looking very grim, and our attempts to locate and free him had all failed. Until this morning! We have secured his release, and he is now safe with our personnel and his family, back in Afghanistan. He underwent medical evaluation this morning and is in relatively good shape considering the circumstances.
I thank my church family for their prayers during this very trying time. I look forward to telling XXX how my church, as well as other churches here in the USA, prayed for him during this time. I will tell him this personally Sunday when I arrive in Afghanistan. Please remember me in prayers as I leave tonight for Afghanistan, and if all goes well I will return later in the week. Thanks to everyone who lifted my friend up, I really appreciate it! God Bless!
God is soo good, Amen? We should never doubt His faithfulness and provision for those who love Him! Next time you are facing a challenge, remember that He controls all and is in all; we just need to trust that and believe in His goodness...I think that none of my challenges compares to what this gentleman and his family had been going through, so I really have nothing to complain about. :-)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A word I got while praying this past week ~
Arise my soldiers, for there are battles to be won. Step up, stand firm, be bold; this is Our time to shine. Bring forth My truth with My sword. Fear not, for My presence is with you. My time is at hand. I will be soon coming. Are you ready for Me?
Prepare! Arise! Go forth! I ask that you be ready to serve wherever I choose to send you. Many will face enemy camps; do you trust Me? I AM the victor. I will walk beside you. Time is short. Are you Mine to lead?
Do you believe? Trust Me that I may use you fully as I work out My plans. Yes, I have plans to use you for great things. Arise and go forth like the sons and daughters you are. Take My mantle upon you. You are My church; a royal priesthood. Walk in the fullness of My truth and glory. Trust in Me. Be bold, unencumbered by the world in which you live. Arise. I have prepared you for this time. Stand, in Me alone. Be steadfast; stand firm and do not falter. I will preserve you to Me. Arise my anointed. Arise.
Usually when I recieve a word, I pass it to whom it was given for, or I give it to myself to ponder and pray about. However, this one struck me as such a powerful conviction. Are we all unbelievers? I think to some extent we are, but I could be wrong in my impressions of others. I know that I am an unbeliever in many forms. If my heart were fully convicted in belief, I surely would not react to things from a fleshly defense when I am provoked as I would KNOW whose I was, and would not be affected (as a child, I know I was not affected by others when my folks were near; I believed who I was in their eyes)...when I am concerned about something, I go to God but do I fully believe He listens, cares, and desires to answer me? Most of the time yes, but not always. Do I believe He died for me? Yes! Most assuredly. Do I believe He came to set me free? Yes, most assuredly. Do I walk in that truth and trust in His grace and mercy? Not always...
Do I seek His desire for me each day that I might spend the day doing His work and not my own? Not as I believe I could...does that reflect unbelief? I do think it does - if I really were convinced of His authority, power, majesty, holiness, and desire - I mean convinced down to the tips of my toes that this truth never leave the very cells in my body - I would most likely walk differently...more like Paul, perhaps?
I want to BELIEVE with every fiber of my being ~ and now is the perfect time to re-start; during this advent season where we celebrate the Incarnation of Christ on Earth Immanuel ~ God with you believe??
Thanksgiving Adventures; Part 3
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hollywood gets involved in Proposition 8
This video on Prop 8 really was well done, even though it is incredibly mocking of God and Christians, as well as inaccurate biblically, it managed to be totally focused on the truths of our current society (money rules, what we want is what is right in the name of "love")...If the people who wrote it could only see it through the eyes of those who understand God's great love of us and great hatred of all that is unholy...It reminds me where I need to step up my prayers for our country.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanksgiving Adventures: part 2 of 3
Thanksgiving Day was begun with a service at my dad's church. I have to tell you that this service so uplifted my soul and brought worship and joy to my heart that day. It was a fabulous way to start a day of Thanks-giving. All 21 of us attended, which was a delight. The start of the service involved a showing and reading of President Lincoln's message declaring Thanksgiving a holiday. Then video footage was shown of some of the missionaries from the church finally finding water in a well they were helping dig (80 feet, by hand) in Haiti the week prior (Haitian Pastors were worshipping continually in the background as the workers were digging, bucketful by bucketful down the deep, dark, hole). From there we went to scripture and praise songs, with traditional National songs of God's providence being sung as well ("America" as one). I literally experienced God's spirit descend as we began singing praise to Him for all we have in America ~ it brought tears to my eyes (not unusual) while worshiping. It was incredibly lovely and a joy to participate in petitioning God for our nation.
The pastor then gave a message about what it means to give thanks, and what we as Americans should be so grateful for related to how God has provided for us and given us a country of such incredible freedoms. The message ended with a Ray VanderLaan video of students in the dark below-ground caves learning about how the Bible was preserved for us, and an incredible prayer from a gal who had literally watched her family murdered for thier beliefs and had fled her own murder to live in hiding until she came to the U.S...
We are so incredibly blessed in America. And, as this pastor reminded us, exhorted to show how God has blessed us, to reach out and help others not only in our own country, but in many other places in the world, where persecution is rampant and belief in the gospel is likened to a death warrant...
Thank you, Lord, for our blessed American freedom and prosperity like no other. May we stop to reflect upon our founding fathers and the tenets upon which our country was raised. May we turn back to the values of our forefathers, and remember all that You have done for us. To him whom much has been given, much is expected. May we rise up and submit ourselves to You to be used for Your glory ~ Thank You for free churches, denominational freedoms, and our ability to worship without persecution ~ You are truly an AWESOME God.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Adventures: part 1 of 3
Our trip started with quite an adventure. I had been anxious about getting us to the airport on time because my ten year old had auditions for her upcoming play at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday (right after my 4 year old's Thanksgiving party at her school), and we had a flight scheduled out of National Airport at 4:40 p.m. (original time ~ 5 p.m. but it was changed to 4:40 the week prior).
We finally boarded around 6:45 or 7:00 (I can't remember), and my dad and stepmom were planning a "late" dinner with us upon arrival (two hour flight, one hour time difference) as my half-sisters were really eager to go eat at Applebees in Des Moines, Iowa. As we got settled, the stewardess announced that we would be taking on extra fuel and would be flying at 10,000 feet only since they did not have the pressure system working in the plane. It would mean some ear discomfort, some coolness, and longer flight (3 hours, 40 minutes) due to headwinds at that level. People were invited to deplane if they were not comfortable with this. We decided to stay on and roll with it. I think we took off close to 8:00 after we were cleared a runway.
Early in the flight, Bo started praying. He told me he smelled electrical burning. He also wondered why it was so hot when it was supposed to be cool. He had noticed that we had passed over an area close to our home not long before, and we wondered why we were going that direction. Shortly after, the stewardess came back out from the pilot and announced that things had gotten worse, and there were some things we needed to understand, but that she was going to let the pilot talk to us to explain it. Okay, that sounded ominous, especially given the strain on her face. I believed we might be crash landing on a belly of the plane or something and started praying with my husband more earnestly that God would give us all coverage and protection as well as illumine anything we needed to know in order to find him. He gave me assurance in my spirit and I sensed Him saying "I am not willing that any shall perish..." I felt much better, remembering that He was in charge.
The pilot got on the intercom and announced that because of mechanical failures, he was unable to keep his instruments lit for the flight and would be landing at Dulles Airport shortly (this is the airport we live closer to). We must have been circling, awaiting clearance to land. We got to the ground at 8:30 p.m. way out on the tarmack. There were no other planes near us, and fire trucks met us there. We got off and then loaded onto a shuttle that awaited us nearby (they didn't even join it with the plane). I am supposing the fear of fire was pretty strong because of all the extra fuel as well. The smell of burnt electrical stuff was pretty powerful as we deplaned. What a blessing we were safe! My kids were not so happy...