Something to Consider

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Title

I have been mulling over my blog title. I know that I am a fallen person, redeemed by God's grace ALONE ~ and ever so blessed to be! Lately, Spirit has shown me that Fallen is not appropriate as I am no longer fallen, having been born again in His love and grace ~ (Hallelujah!).

So, as I sifted through what I could shift in the title, without having to change my entire linking, I thought about how I want to live FOR HIM. It is my heart's cry during every trial. I fail often in my responses, but my heart rallies so quickly to seek His grace and forgiveness, and to get back up and try again ~ during times of significant faith testing, I find myself thinking "I know that You are in charge of this, I know that You have allowed this, I trust implicitly that it will all be OK under your divine hand...I am just hurting..." That is not really fallen, because I am carried upon His wings. Praise God.

Any ideas for a "title" would be great. My first two blogs were called "Crock Pot Mom" ~ now that is my name, but not my title. I want this spot to shine for God at the outset. I may not always have His interests in what I share, but I do have a heart for Him in all I do ~ would love to hear your input. :-)


1 comment:

Kim said...

What about something along the lines of what you have written...carried upon His wings or being carried upon His wings?

Can't wait to see what you pick.