In my home, I don't host kiddie parties until the kids begin to ask for one. I figure that it isn't important until they want a celebration with their friends. We did have a family dinner and invited the neighbors (and their five kids, so it was a full house) who have a son that is one of Rose's "best friends." Here is how she talks "Mommy, can we invite Miss Ginny (Johnny's mom, used to be daycare provider for Rose) and my best friend Johnny to my birthday party?" It is so sweet. She tends to call everyone her best friend when she talks about them in a format that involves sharing time. I love that about her. She considers everyone "best" ~ I think God even suggests that we keep this in mind at all times as well.
So, since her big day, she has continually asked "Mommy, am I still four today?" I am not sure if she desires to be five, or is afraid she will lose her four status...she frequently talks about her next birthday when she will be five and gets to go to school with her big sisters, so she is probably hopeful that time will accelerate somehow. She still hasn't quite understood how a birthday comes on the same day each year, and that the year in between has to happen before the birthday arrives. We are working on that. :-)
So, to my precious Rosie bigosie ~ bless you sweet child. May God's grace shine down upon you, may your face be lifted up to His, may this year fill your heart with more of His blessings and grace that you never know a day without our Lord. I love you, my treasured gift.
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