Something to Consider

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have never been so disgusted in all of my days. While I knew that our culture was becoming much more permissive, and children were being educated to be "safe" versus abstain. Planned parenthood has taken the cake ~ the worst of it is that OUR tax dollars fund their efforts. Here is information a friend sent me in September (I am just now getting around to previewing; I wish I hadn't had the opportunity quite frankly...but I surely don't want my kids being taught by this ~)

"Planned Parenthood, the billion dollar corporate abortion provider, has taken immorality to a whole new level and is using your taxpayer dollars to spread its toxic propaganda.

"A new Planned Parenthood promotional Web site which targets youth and is called "Take Care Down There," features short "public service" video vignettes which, among other things, promote casual sex, immodesty, homosexuality and even group sex. For example, one video on this new Web site depicts what appears to be an African-American male teenager relegated to performing oral sex on a white male teenager while another white male (an adult authority figure in a suit) stands nearby giving instructions.

"During the 2006-2007 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood received a total of $336.7 million from government grants and contracts. In 2008, $300 million was given to family planning clinics, under the Title X program. These funds were used to service over five million people, a third of which received "care" from a Planned Parenthood clinic."

How do we fight governmental support of this?! I don't know, but I will definitely be praying about it.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Excuse me while I go throw up.