Something to Consider

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

God's Creation (versus Man's)

I was stopped in my musings the other day while flying home from Daytona. We flew through Newark, NJ ~ which, for those who do not know that area, is a pretty industrial area. After flying over New York City and turning right (it was fun to see the Statue of Liberty from above), we began the descent into Newark.

Looking out the window the presence of man's disregard was magnified to me in the bundles of junk areas, blackened industrial parks, and miscellaneous areas of "harsh" appearing scrap metals and dirty parks. There were some factories and other buildings which were pretty typical, but this area of New Jersey is indeed not the most appealing from above. What I noticed, however, was the beauty of the things God had created amidst this. It was illuminated so clearly against the background of the city...the few trees scattered about, a patch of grass here and there...even a tall pile of sand that was in a construction zone had a sense of unity and timelessness to was truly an awe-inspiring thing to notice ~ how much BEAUTY God provides in everything He has created.

I wondered if I was just reacting to the city as I am not much of an inner city person, so I waited until the descent into Dulles Airport here in Virginia (which I always enjoy because there are so many trees). As we were nearing the airport, there were a smattering of larger homes amid some nice landscape, as well as a few roads and highways running about. We also flew over a shopping mall, schools, neighborhoods, etc...It was easier on the eyes than Newark had been for me, and possessed a certain artistic symmetry that was gentle and welcoming, but it still was not as incredibly beautiful as the simple intricity (is that a word?) of God's trees, rivers, and grassy areas. He is so good to us. His creation is beyond what we can do...

If it is of God, it is all good. Even dirt pile among stubble in Jersey ~ Praise Him that Creation calls His Name!

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