Something to Consider

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So, my blogging friend Stacy posted about her scatterbrained adventures recently, and after I read her post, I was reminded about what I had intended to post a couple of weeks ago but became too scattered to sit and organize. :-)

My summer has kicked into full gear; it started before my work ended, which was a bit challenging but usually not impossible. I am finding that the older I get, the shorter my brain cells last before fizzling out (really...I used to be much more fluent at juggling information in my mind). I used to not be scatterbrained as a general rule (unless I was desperately trying to impress somebody as a teenager, and couldn't keep my brain wrapped around "normal" because of it *grin*), but as I have entered perimenopause, extra kids, blended families, multi-tasks, etc. I have become more mentally absent at times.

So, two weeks ago or so, I had a series of misfits that were so laughable, yet almost made me cry in observing my obvious mental overload. My dawning awareness of my fragile mental abilities began when intending to return a movie to redbox. As I got the kids in the car (for an errand related to a previous mistake), I was thinking about time needs and why we were going at that moment versus later when it would have been easier. We were going at that specific moment to assure the movie be returned on time. As I was nearing the grocery store (where the box is located), I realized that the movie was still sitting home on our kitchen counter. At that point, I was disappointed but figured "No biggie, just one more unplanned trip to the grocery store" (I usually only go once per week). The plan for that trip was to go buy a printer/scanner for our new computer and then get the groceries I had forgotten on my previous trip, in addition to returning the movie. Anyone who knows me well, knows I usually don't return to the store for missed groceries, either, because I can't budget as well that way and I usually have a really good idea about what I need when I am walking through the store ~ but that week I had not gotten three of the things on my list (one of which was quite important). I had even written them down but somehow missed them while checking the list while in the store (??!)

Okay, so we had to return to the grocery yet again. No biggie, gas prices aren't that bad yet.
Well, later that evening as I was organizing things for the evening and closing down the day's events in my head, I thought to myself ~ "where is that bag of paper and ink I bought when I bought the printer?? Did I leave it at the store?! No, I couldn't have...didn't I give it to one of the kids when I picked up the printer box? Gosh, I had all five with me surely I didn't leave it on the counter!... "

Never found the bag. The next day my hubby and I discussed his desire for a fax capacity with the printer/scanner. We decided to go ahead and exchange the one I bought for the other since he had worked so much overtime this month as it wouldn't interfere with our budget. I figured I could also then ask the store if perhaps they had a bag of paper and ink there that had been left by somebody...:-)

Got the kids ready to go back to get the new printer the next day, as well as run an errand for a birthday party need. When we got to the store, I was tickled to find the bag (it was sitting tidily behind the customer service desk) and then went to exchange the printer. As I was opening my purse to get my bank card out to pay I realized that my wallet was home sitting on the table next to the computer as I had it out earlier that day. Praise God I had my checkbook!
My next stop at the store for the birthday stuff, I looked in my checkbook again and realized I had only one more check (we had two stops) ~ so, we did what we could and went home.

Now, I cannot recall the "last thing" that tipped this little girls' apple cart that week, but something else equally out to lunch happened the very next evening in my usually well administered world, and when Bo started teasing me about it I started to well up with tears. He was baffled, until I explained the series of events that were prior to that moment ~ he gave me a hug, reminded me that I had not been sleeping much the past week or so, and encouraged me to go to bed early. Which I did ~

Haven't had quite a continuous week of confusion since, praise God...but I don't know that it doesn't mean it won't happen. Today at swim team practice, followed by swim lessons for three of the kids, I forgot to bring the bag of things I "always" have at the pool (suntan lotion, etc.). This stuff has been more and more insidious over the past two or three years ~ I am learning to embrace the "new me" :0) Glad none of it surprises our great Author of life ~

Be blessed this week.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This is nuts...

I know it is a bit silly to think that perhaps we have gone over the edge in our culture with fashion...but this screams at me "too much"...

It is hard enough to keep socks on these poor kiddos...and imagine all of the cuts they will have on their legs from the bottoms of the heels as they sit and kick their feet in glee ~

Can anybody tell me what the point would be?

Now, this video has a 23 second advertising trailer pre-video which I didn't know how to get off the program. However, stay tuned for the newest in fashion design...


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

God's Creation (versus Man's)

I was stopped in my musings the other day while flying home from Daytona. We flew through Newark, NJ ~ which, for those who do not know that area, is a pretty industrial area. After flying over New York City and turning right (it was fun to see the Statue of Liberty from above), we began the descent into Newark.

Looking out the window the presence of man's disregard was magnified to me in the bundles of junk areas, blackened industrial parks, and miscellaneous areas of "harsh" appearing scrap metals and dirty parks. There were some factories and other buildings which were pretty typical, but this area of New Jersey is indeed not the most appealing from above. What I noticed, however, was the beauty of the things God had created amidst this. It was illuminated so clearly against the background of the city...the few trees scattered about, a patch of grass here and there...even a tall pile of sand that was in a construction zone had a sense of unity and timelessness to was truly an awe-inspiring thing to notice ~ how much BEAUTY God provides in everything He has created.

I wondered if I was just reacting to the city as I am not much of an inner city person, so I waited until the descent into Dulles Airport here in Virginia (which I always enjoy because there are so many trees). As we were nearing the airport, there were a smattering of larger homes amid some nice landscape, as well as a few roads and highways running about. We also flew over a shopping mall, schools, neighborhoods, etc...It was easier on the eyes than Newark had been for me, and possessed a certain artistic symmetry that was gentle and welcoming, but it still was not as incredibly beautiful as the simple intricity (is that a word?) of God's trees, rivers, and grassy areas. He is so good to us. His creation is beyond what we can do...

If it is of God, it is all good. Even dirt pile among stubble in Jersey ~ Praise Him that Creation calls His Name!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Richard Petty Driving Experience~

Imagine the thrill of being in a car on a 31 degree bank, holding the steering column, pushing the pedal down as far to the floor as you feel safe doing...and driving faster than you did when drag racing as a teen...

This was Bo's experience at Daytona. He had SO MUCH fun! He was smiling all evening. We just recieved the DVD of his experience yesterday in the mail. As we popped it into the television, I got to experience some of what he did behind the wheel. Well, actually, I probably didn't experience much as it was all on video which doesn't do the experience justice, but Bo was able to relive the day and hopes to go again another time.

Next time he'll do 16 laps, this way he can loosen up for longer, and he will be allowed to go faster. The instructors told us it would take about four laps to get the death grip experience off the steering wheel and enjoy the ride. Bo reported that this was accurate for him. He was trying so hard to stay at the proper car distance behind his instructor, as well as keep the car in the right lane of travel, that he was tense (probably something to do with the speed as well...). Whew, lap five he realized he was holding tight still and told himself to lighten up. Once he was able to relax he drove better and managed to achieve a top speed of 146 mph which is about the highest they will take you if you are managing the car well in the eight lap event.

Must have been managing well(can you tell I am so excited for him, still?)~ he got the best lap time you can "technically" achieve when following an instructor for eight laps. They go faster in ride alongs, but allow only for certain speeds in the individual driving. 8 laps allows for about 146 mph, and the people who get up to that somewhat consistently (e.g. a few laps) have "done a good job following what they were taught" according to the trainer. My dear hubby did a GREAT job! I was so proud of him when he finished. It was the most delightful day I have spent with him in awhile...just watching him fill his heart with the things that have been stirring there since his youth...what fun it was for both of us!

Thank you, Lord, for the provision of a wonderful weekend for us. Thank You for the gift of wild rides and safe but pushing the limits entertainment for those of us who thrill with these things. May you be blessed by the blessings that were recieved.

Monday, June 2, 2008

What a Weekend!

We got back last night around six. Traveling all day Friday and Sunday and packing in SO MUCH fun between Friday afternoon and midnight Saturday. My goodness, I couldn't keep up that pace but boy was it a TERRIFIC getaway.

Late Friday afternoon we checked into our hotel (on the beach, presuming we would actually care, and then we realized after the weekend that neither of us were really drawn to funny) and headed south to Titusville, FL. By God's grace alone we were given a GPS system in the rental car, so were able to find Bo's old house with ease. It was neat to drive around his neighborhood, talking about where he used to play, as well as driving the route he walked to school (I remember walking to school, too. I don't think they do that anymore unless it is across the street from your house...). We were also able to stop in on some old family friends of his parents, Bob and Isabelle (Izzy), who have suffered from many health challenges as of late. We spent about an hour with them discussing their lives, their home, Florida challenges (electricity outages, the need for a hurricane because of the drought) etc. It was a wonderful visit and nice to be used as an encouragement to those who have gone before us in life's trials.

After leaving their home, we headed toward the old orange grove Bo's dad used to run. Bo was going strictly on a 43 year old memory, and some info he had acquired from Bob, as to how to locate the field. We drove past a couple of groves in the approximate area before calling Bo's parents to confirm the location, then we entered the grove that used to be theirs (it was pretty run down, obviously not being used for business nay more) and spent some time in it just reminiscing. What a neat time that was. Took some pictures as well that I hope come out; it will depend on the angle of the sun and how it hit my lens. It was nearing sunset and had some bright rays shining through pretty powerfully. We didn't want to go too far into the grove lest the people who owned it be offended.

Saturday was quite an experience at Daytona Speedway. I will post on that another time. Suffice to say - Bo had a BLAST. I was tickled walking beside him all day participating in this blessed event ~ he really was enjoying each and every moment of the experience. I am so thrilled we got to do it. He was able to get up to 146 mph (about all they allowed in the independent driving), and really felt the thrill.

Leaving the speedway at 4:30 p.m. we realized that Max and Madeline (my step kids) were only two hours away (that great GPS system!), so we called and set up a date for dinner. We were able to meet them at their church and participate in their Saturday night worship event prior to going out to eat. What a double blessing that was. I really enjoyed their Pastor, and now have more of a sense about what Max shares related to the facilities and how things are run (it is a campus with a building on both sides of the road). The room we were in was set up "coffee shop casual" for the service with round tables, it doubled as a gym on other days (with many basketball nets tucked up in the eaves). The message was provocative in a good way, and the worship was just what I needed, but didn't know I had missed so much; very refreshing (I mean that I was missing my daily worship time, and this fit the bill wonderfully).

What a delight to be able to take Max and Maddie out to eat, then drop them at their home. They will be here in another week, but I was tickled to be able to see their neighborhood as I have heard so much about it. Now I can put a visual to the stories, which helps me out so much.

We tumbled into bed close to midnight Saturday, ready to leave for the airport in the morning. We arrived home yesterday exhausted but exhilerated. God has been so good to us ~ as always ~ I just can't thank Him enough. What a rich and wonderful blessing ~ All in all, a fabulous weekend retreat. :-)