Something to Consider

Friday, April 25, 2008

Confirmed in Christ~

I have been so privileged to be a participant in some very meaningful ceremonies lately; the first was sharing a eulogy at my former father-in-laws funeral last Friday, the next will be speaking on behalf of a dear young friend at his Eagle Scout Award ceremony tomorrow night (which he insisted on having in his church, complete with a hymn ~ I am touched with his faith walk), and the last will be witnessing my niece's confirmation ceremony next weekend.

My brother's family belongs to a Lutheran Church near their home. When my niece Amanda was twelve, her mom looked for a confirmation program that suited her preferences, and her church did not have what she felt was needed. She wanted her daughter to really understand the commitment to Christ that she was preparing to make. They found a Lutheran church in another county that had a good program, and for the past two years Amanda has been taking classes there. It has been a juggle for her folks to get her to the classes in addition to her dance and her brother's soccer, as well as school and family events (does anybody know what I am talking about here?) ;-) but God is the priority, and Amanda has learned and grown so much during this class. Her confirmation day is May 4th (which is also her dad's birthday, which I find pretty neat)...

I was delighted when she asked me to help her select a verse to be confirmed under, as well as to review her statement of faith that she needs to present to the church and Christ during her ceremony. I was incredibly blessed when I read her statement ~ God has worked in her deepening her walk and understanding and I am tickled that she will enter high school next year with her relationship with God more fully integrated into her heart and mind. He is so important to all of us, but my heart has always been particularly tender toward the youth culture of today. The only *help* I provided her for her statement was to question her understanding of a few of her sentences so that I understood what she was saying, and she understood what she was professing. A couple of things were adjusted related to this, but it was more verbage than the heart of her statement. I wanted to share her profession below; she was running it by her pastor this morning; I am pretty sure he will accept it as written...

Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten son, my lord. I believe that Jesus Christ is truly God, existing from the beginning, and also was truly human, willingly emptied of His godliness, and assigned to earth by God the Father, born of the Virgin Mary.

He suffered and died on the cross for me to secure my salvation for all eternity and conquered the devil from being able to convince me into doing the wrong things because he loves me and was willing to sacrifice everything for me. For if I am to do something wrong or make a mistake, I am forgiven and Jesus helps me to come closer to him each and everyday even if I may not realize it.

Through faith and grace alone I will inherit eternal life in God’s Kingdom. I know that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus or come to him, but because the Holy Spirit works through me and lives within me, I am able to be called to the Gospel and enlightened with His gifts.

As I walk and talk with Jesus in my Christian faith each day, I know my sins will be forgiven and I will be saved. I know that my redeemer lives and that Jesus Christ is the way to Heaven, the truth, and the life. I shall live triumphantly in heaven because I have received this amazing gift from Jesus for which He has conquered death and that I have accepted his gift to live with him in the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity.

I wish to trust Jesus in everything because I know that he is with me in every step I take. I wish to develop a stronger relationship with Jesus as life carries on and desire to love Jesus with all my heart and all my soul and with my entire mind, and to know that Jesus is my confidence.

Confirmation Verse: John 15:4-5 "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."

Amanda, you are a blessing to me and all who love you. I am so proud of the compassionate, kind and thoughtful young woman you have become. You are beautiful both inside and out. I pray that God's Spirit comes to dwell deeply within your heart and soul ~ transforming you from grace to grace each day. I love you dearly, sweet niece, and consider it a privilege to share in your life. May "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace."

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