Something to Consider

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Gift of Submission

I have been reading some wonderful books lately ~ wonderful in how they are written, and wonderful in how they help me refocus on what is real and eternal. In Mary Kassian's book Women, Creation and the Fall, she states:

"Submission is the key concept to understand, for everyone is called upon to submit to God (James 4:7-10, Hebrews 12:9), and all at one time or another must submit to human authority. Believers who cannot submit to human authority do not know how to submit to God, for it is God who demands submission within human relationships. Conversely, believers will be ineffective leaders, incapable of fulfilling human authority roles, until they learn to submit to others. Submission is for everyone."

Jesus gave us the divine example for this ~ despite being God himself, he submitted himself to God's order ~ often stating that "I do nothing on my own, but speak just what the Father has taught me...I always do what pleases Him." (John 8:28-30).

If Jesus himself was always submissive to our heavenly Father, how much more should we be seeking to humble ourselves! How can we begin to know what is good and right and God's perfect will if we are colored by our culture and jaded by our own feelings and thoughts? The paragraph quoted above was referenced in Barbara Hughes' book Disciplines of a Godly Woman, which I have been enjoying tremendously. God has illumined me to senses that I had not (in my own self-centered approach to relationship with Him) fully considered. Mary's words are written near the beginning of a chapter on the discipline of submission. While reading this chapter, words and scripture leaped out at me and burned in my soul. I found myself excitedly putting the book down several times to begin writing down the scriptures that I so obviously needed to meditate upon and learn for deeper understanding.

The scripture in John, quoted above, is one I have mulled over throughout the years. I have understood its intention intellectually as well as softly in my heart, but have never grasped the depth and intricacies of its worth. What jumped out at me first, causing me to pause to re-read what I had been absorbing in this chapter, was this ~

"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverent submission." (Hebrews 5:8)."

Get that! Jesus was heard BECAUSE HE WAS SUBMISSIVE!! Wow! I would have assumed He was heard because He was God ~ but, NO! That is clearly shown to be not true. Even Jesus Christ, God's own son, was listened to because He loved and submitted to the Father (not to mention that God did not honor all of His requests, either ~ but that is another topic).

Our instinct is to please and serve ourselves. It is natural in our bodies and mind. We easily rebel against anything that is not pleasing to us. Submission is something we must work on learning and refining. If even Jesus Christ, God's sinless son, had to obey, how much more do I, a wretched, sin-filled human, need to depend upon God to come into obedience? Jesus' prayers reveal the intensity of His desire to submit to God's will, no matter the cost. I have to look at myself and wonder if I am anywhere near that pure of heart. Do I seek God's will no matter the cost to myself? Do I humble myself in prayer in order to be heard by the Creator of the universe?! I fall so far short of this glorious opportunity. I don't think it is in me to be so willing to give up all that I am for Him. Yet all that I am comes from Him, and is for His glory and pleasure. Thank God He provides us with the desire as well as the ability, provided we seek Him to do so.

What privilege we have to be allowed to speak to God on such a personal and intimate level! What grace He has given us to allow us to be called His children and friend! If I truly seek to be a godly woman, I must fervently pray each day that I will submit to God's will and not my own desires or ways...and I must mean it. I must reject the popular cultural myth that happiness comes from putting myself and my percieved needs near the top of my list of things. Though I am fairly adept at putting my children's needs before my own, and serving my husband at his requests, I still tend to think my desires are important.

What I must seek to remember is that God knows my desires ~ He has placed many of them in my heart ~ and He longs to fulfill me. My fulfillment will not come through my own desires, and His longings for me are not ones that sacrifice holiness or godliness. He takes no pleasure in fulfilling desires that will lead me to misrepresent His divine witness in my life. I am created to work for Him ~ through Christ Jesus enabling me, empowering, guiding and directing with His Spirit. Oh Lord, please let this be forefront upon my mind and heart. May my prayers be heard by You, that You may make all things in my life truly "good." May my heart be a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for all that You are and all that You give...and all that You have given, that we might be holy and righteous before you. Thank you, dear Lord. Bless you and Praise You. May my heart's only will be to lift you up and serve Your holy Name. Amen.

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