From the depth of darkness
the beam of light
Illumining all in its path
casting glow to the shadows...
Shinmering fresh and pure, it emerges
freely traveling
through the fleeing darkness.
Possessing powerful simplicity;
quiet, yet determined
inch by inch it reaches the corners~
None can change its path...
steady and true from its origin
Inviting, beckoning...
seeking to expand and fill the space.
Formless blobs take on shape and meaning;
as the glow gets brighter and brighter
revealing all with its gentle caress ~
these long forgotten things...
bumps, etchings, scratches, boulders~
illumining hidden beauty
and tarnished treasures...
giving freedom
and hope
for new life.
I told you before what a great writer you are and you should write a book. Maybe a poem book. Doesn't hurt that this poem is in the shape of a fish. Do you see it? The mouth at the bottom. Tail on the top.
Awesome, girl!
Wow - that fish observation is cool! God is so kind to me! :-)...
I actually have a book of poems (never published, two actually, spirals) from highschool days :-)
One day I will write...when inspired with a full approach. I have had a few thoughts to start, but didn't retain the inspiration ;-)
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