Something to Consider

Friday, August 31, 2007

Easy on the eyes

I am playing with my template background - I found the other quite boring and not as easy to keep eyes upon. My daughter, looking at it with me, commented on the lack of pictures. I WILL get pictures posted as my life evolves forward. I have a few things to do before I figure this out...I used to be fairly blog literate, but have forgotten much of what I had learned when running my other sites in the past (if we don't use it...). Anyway, I was trying to play with the colors a bit - was unable to be exactly what I liked - but thought this was pretty good. Let me know what you think!


Kim said...

I like the color. Some other blogs I have read-Scott Heine's, cough, cough,-make my eyes weird out like I'm getting old or something. lol

Unknown said...

funny. :-) I actually like the black background with white letters as far as readability, but it is too dark for my personal preferences. Thanks~from the emails I have recieved this seems to be a winner :-)