Something to Consider

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thoughtful people

My kids had their first swim meet of the summer last night. We got just past halfway when the skies broke open, shortly thereafter the lightening started so the meet ended. I was somewhat grateful as I was responsible for timing the swimmers the second half and was becoming very chilled by the cold rain (I had not dressed for cool, nor rainy, weather). However, I was also blessed during this time at how quickly folks at our pool stepped up - one of the lifeguards/swim coaches came to find me and offer me her sweatshirt (off her back). She was holding my six year old, trying to keep her encouraged and comforted while I was unavailable, and came to find me to offer more support. She was just heading for my car to get our beach umbrella when the meet was called.

I can't even begin to say what a wonderful blessing that imparted to my heart. Another lady in my group of timers immediately ran to get pencils when the rain became worse in order that we could record the times on the swimmer's cards in a way that "worked" since our pens were no longer able to write on the very wet cards we were being given. She did this between swimmers, and we were on a very "tight" schedule with the head as he was trying to get as many in as possible before the meet ended. I was blessed by her thoughtfulness as well.

I pray each day that I, too, can be this light to others in our dark world.

1 comment:

Scott Heine said...

That's pretty cool. (No pun intended.) It always amazes me how small gestures of thoughtfulness and self-sacrifice can make such a huge impact on someone's attitude and experience. Thanks for sharing!