Something to Consider

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fasting for Lent

Discipline seems to be a non-valued quality in our culture these days. As I was reflecting on the current season of Lent and how many denominations encourage Christians to give something up during the days preceeding Easter (television, chocolate, video games...), I realize that this is a good training ground for some people in the area of self-control and drawing closer to God, while just an exercise in religious games for others.

How often, when participating in a Lenten fast, do we really think about why we are giving things up? I know that before I pursued a deeper relationship with the Lord (versus the one I had growing up, where I heard His Spirit nudging me throughout my life as I "tried" to do what was right), I had a pretty *decent* relationship with religion and religious practices. This included attending church, following rules, and taking notes during sermons as a way of trying to understand God, while being somewhat unaware about how church attendance and following these practices drew me closer to God. I often felt closer to God outside of this Sunday attendance practice ~ during my prayer times and hours spent admiring the beauty of His Creation. I sometimes wondered as to how to related what attending church was for, besides the intellectual pursuit of understanding God coupled with the "good feeling" I got while being there.

During those days, when I fasted from meat,ice cream, chocolate, or whatever (during Lent), it was without true understanding of purpose. I did it to agree with the system ~ to participate with "God", and I did it half-focused. Today, though I am not fasting during this Lenten season, I fast for different reasons, forgoing various things whenever I feel led by the Lord to do so. I have learned so much about God and myself during these times of fasting; so much more than when I gave something up for Lent...It has been a true delight and a period of growing closer to our Lord as well as loving Him more and being more awed by His power and grace and mercy.

I remember my feelings of amazement during the first few times I "fasted for a day" in order to draw closer to God in obedience. Everything suddenly became so much more tempting, my mind would play tricks on me about what I was missing, how I wouldn't have a chance to taste this or that if I didn't have it (e.g. it always seemed that parents would drop off baked goods or candies for the teachers at the school those days when I was working) ~ I had to actively CHOOSE to deny myself, often telling God "no, You are more important and I am going to honor my agreement." It was truly a bittersweet time as I was getting *nothing* out of the fast that served my conscious fleshly body, and at times felt that it was silly to even be pursuing. Gradually, over time, I discovered that it was during this time that I understood the power God gave to us through His Spirit. I understood the cravings of my body, driven by my mind more often than not and how "taking each thought captive to the obedience of Christ" was a powerful tool of victory in pursuit of sacrificial living...even relatively *small* sacrifice.

Stepping stones...each that we step upon can bring us closer to the edge of ourselves, into the arms of our Heavenly Father...or can topple and roll ~ causing us momentarily to lose our balance and/or bearings, until the path is laid clear before us once again...

Praise God for His stabilizing Hands as we cross our river of stones ~ slowly but steadily approximating Christ's control over our own desires

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